nothing gold can stay

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"Damn, I'm out of cigarettes." Kurt grumbled with a sigh. We were on the way back to the hotel, exhausted from the gig we had just performed. "I'll just walk to that 7/11 down the street when we're back." "I'll come with you. A walk would be nice." Julia commented, smiling softly at him.

Lately, I had been getting a weird vibe from them. They had been hip at hip, always touching each other some sort of way. All the physical intersection seemed like it always had been. Tickling, hugs, meaningless kisses on the cheek, but it had become very, very frequent.

The thought of the two together made me more than insecure.

Julia's P.O.V
"I'm glad we've finally got a moment alone." I said, chuckling slightly. "Me too, doll." He replied, sliding his arm around my waist. Goosebumps erupted across the skin exposed from his fingers lightly lifting the end of my shirt. I felt like a teenager, sneaking around with him this way.

It was tiring, but it felt dangerous, and a little bit sexy. "So, are you really out of cigs?" I joked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, and did you really want to go on a walk?" He asked, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "You caught me!" I exclaimed, waving my arms. He laughed, tipping his blonde head back. I smirked and pulled him in for a soft kiss.

We've been sneaking around for almost a month now. The decision to keep the relationship closeted was mutual. Kurt didn't want any friction between the band, and I didn't want any with Courtney.

Its strange, to feel this kind of closure. I haven't felt it since Dave and I were together. Yes, Christmas night with him made me feel safe, and cherished, but I knew it was only temporary.

Nothing gold ever stays with us.

But with Kurt, I felt like I had all the gold I could ever want, and I felt like it could never fade away. I knew it was probably delusional and silly, but it felt good to be in an actual relationship.

"Thanks." I muttered as he held the door open for me. A weird 80's workout song was playing softly inside the convenience store. The lights were flickering, and flies infested each aisle.

We headed straight towards the cash register, met by a worn out looking cashier. "One pack of camels, please." Kurt said, his voice rugged and raspy. The young looking worker sluggishly shuffled to the locked cabinet, and retrieved the cigarettes.

"4.22" he muttered, his attention on the book in his left hand. He reached into his pocket, and retrieved a 5 dollar bill. The cash register gave him and change, receipt, and cigs.

"Thank you!" We called as we left the store. "C'mere," he said, dragging me by the hand to the alley behind the 7/11. "What are you doing?" I laughed, following him. He took me by surprise, pinning me against the dirty brick wall.

Kurt and I had only kissed, nothing too scandalous had occurred..up until that point. I liked seeing this side of him, the side that took charge. I bit my lip, and laid my hand on the back of his neck. He leaned in and kissed me with a deep sense of lust.

I shut my eyes, and raked my fingers through his hair. He exhaled deeply, and pulled back. His fingers wandered to my chin, holding it with dominance. "I like bossy Kurt." I purred. He didn't react, but let his hand travel down to the hem of my tank top. His hands roamed around underneath my shirt.

I let out a tiny squeak as he groped at my breasts. He began to kiss my neck as his hands left my torso area, and trailed down beneath my skirt. His hand rubbed my inner thigh softly.

I tipped my head back, the simple touch effecting me dramatically. His digits slowly inched towards the ache in between my thighs. I let out a heavy sigh of pleasure as he stroked me over my underwear.

"T-take them off.." I stuttered. "Its fun to tease." He replied, his hand motions gaining more pressure. I moaned softly and held onto his shoulders. After what felt like an eternity, he finally moved my panties to the side.

I unzipped his pants, quickly pulling them down with his boxers.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked, the gentle, sweet side of him coming through. I smiled and kissed his cheek softly. "Please, kurt." I whispered. And with that, he pushed himself into me. "Oh god, you feel so good." He groaned, latching onto my hips. I bit my lip and grinded my hips into his. We were moving in a good rhythm. My body felt on fire.

"Harder." I managed, gasping as he thrusted with even more intensity. "Dirty girl." He growled into my ear. I moaned and scratched at his back.

Beads of sweat dripped down his face as he pounded in and out of me. "Oh fuck.." I gasped, the pleasure becoming more present with each thrust. "Im so close.." I moaned. He kissed at my jawline, still pumping.

My mouth fell open, a complete euphoria washing over me.

I shook and grasped at him, the orgasm overpowering me. Kurt kept thrusting. His groans were muffled by a kiss. "Fuck, I'm gonna c-" he looked me straight in the eyes, His mouth shaped into a perfect o.

He gave a few more tired thrusts, before removing himself from me. I was still panting for air against the brick wall. I watched on as he pulled his pants and boxers back up.

I readjusted my panties, and looked up at him with a shy smile. "You're amazing." He laughed, pulling me into a warm hug. I smiled against his sweater. "You too." We broke away, and started our walk back to the hotel, strolling hand in hand.

"I guess we're gonna have to sneak around for that too.." I joked, blushing. He chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze. "We sure will."

And at last, I felt ok.

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