safe and sound

423 11 0

July 10th, 1993
I dug my toes into the hot sand and continued reading my book. The white, button up shirt I stole from Kurt blew rapidly on my body in the wind. It was over top of my navy blue bikini set.

I tightened my ponytail and looked out in the water. The bright blue ripples sounds calmed me. Young and old folk were out in the beautiful ocean. I set my book down, standing up. I shrugged off the shirt and left it in my beach chair.

I approached the blue salt water. It felt nice and cool against my legs. I closed my eyes and simply lived in the moment.

"Julia?!?" My eyes then opened back up quickly. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around, trying to find whoever said my name.

I then spotted Virginia Grohl. Lisa was there too. I felt completely caught off guard. It's nearly been a year since I've seen them. "Oh, hi!" I called, waving weakly.

I then started towards them. "Oh, Julia, you look so frail." Ginny frowned, hugging me. I just smiled uncomfortably. "Im so, so sorry, Jules." Lisa said, hugging me.

"No, no, it's not your fault." I said quietly. I then looked up, my eyes meeting with the couple. Dave and Rosie were hand in hand, coming down towards us. "Oh, Julia!" Dave exclaimed. He seemed uncomfortable.

"Hi." I mumbled sheepishly. Rosies eyes burned into me like lasers. She has a strong..dislike for me. I played with my hair, not really sure of what else to do. "How have all of you been?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"We've been good. I opened a cafe." Lisa said, smirking. I put on a smile and took her hands. "That's amazing. I'll have to check it out." I cheered. She thanked me. Ginny said things have just been the norm, and then Dave said he was excited for in utero to come out. Rosie didn't reply to me.

"Aren't you with someone today? You can't go out on a beautiful day all alone." Ginny chuckled. My heart sank as embarrassment settled within me. "Actually, I am alone." I laughed nervously, feeling my face turn bright red. She gasped and frowned.

"Just hang with us. I don't think that you should be alone." Lisa offered. I hesitated. "Eh..I dont know." "C'mon, it'd be fun." Ginny added, trying to persuade me. I sighed, giving in. "I guess so." I said, smiling shyly.

They both grinned wide.

"I'm gonna go get my chair and stuff." I said. They both nodded. I smiled and started walking to the little area I had set up before. I honestly thought about drowning myself, but I didn't.

I kept going.

I had my chair under one arm and my bag in the other. They had a large umbrella and several beach chairs where they sat. I set my chair next to Lisa. I then plopped down in it.

"I know this is probably...awkward, to say the least, but I don't think you should have to be by yourself." She said, frowning. "No, I'm grateful for you and your mom. You guys stayed the same." I said, smiling gratefully.

She patted my shoulder. I tried to concentrate on my book, but couldn't as Dave and Rosie splashed around in the water. They both looked so happy, like a version of him and I when we had it good. His arms were around her waist as he tickled her. I could hear her high pitched laugh from my chair. My heart fell deeper.

I always thought him and I were the lucky ones, but we aren't, they are. I bit my lip as I held back tears. I shifted my focus back down.

After I had settled down, I got about 30 minutes of reading in, but then Dave and Rosie came back up to the area. "I'm gonna go to the car. I left my hair ties in there." Rosie said, her pointer finger towards the parking lot, which was too far of a walk just for some hair ties, in my opinion.

"Alright." Dave said, focused on drying himself off. I got a few glances at him. His strong arms were dripping with salt water. His hair was a little messy, but it still looked good.

I felt my face heat up.

He hesitantly sat down beside me. "Hey, isn't this Kurts?" He laughed. His fingers brushed my thigh as he held the end of the white button down. I blushed harder and giggled.

"Yeah." I muttered, a little embarrassed. We were in our own bubble, lisa and Ginny not paying attention to us. He laughed harder. I pulled my legs up to my chest. "How are you?" I asked, trying to be well mannered. "I've been alright. You?" He answered. "Eh." I shrugged.

"What's wrong?" He asked, genuinely concerned. I sighed and rubbed my face. "I think I'm depressed." I said, barely a whisper. He stayed quiet.

He opened his mouth to say something, but Rosie came back, kissing him. Her eyes glared at me as they locked lips. I looked away.

Dave's P.O.V
I felt like comforting her as she told me about her mental state. I wanted to cradle her in my arms and kiss her on her head, whispering that I'd help her through things, but I couldn't.

I finally opened my mouth to react, but Rosie came running down the beach. She kissed me, a long, lingering one. "Hi." I said, fixing a smile onto my face. "Got the hair ties!" She grinned, waving them.

"Good. Do you want me to put your hair up for you?" I asked her. "Id like that alot." She spun around, flipping her long, strawberry blonde locks onto her back.

I gently put it up, not wanting to pull hard at any strands and hurt her. "Done!" I said loudly. She turned back to me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Lets sit down." She suggested, patting the towel.

I nodded and laid down beside her. She rested her head on my chest, playing with my damp hair. I caught a few glances at Julia. I just wanted to talk to her. She was looking out at the children and couples playing in the water, an emotionless expression on her face as she put on her shades.

I just want her to feel safe.

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