pacify her

447 11 4

April 4th, 1993
I stirred awake. I felt excruciatingly painful cramps. I groaned and rubbed my face. I tried to sit up, but I could barely catch my breath. "Kurt!" I shouted, gripping the sheets and gritting my teeth together.

I felt tears fall down my face. "Guys!" I screamed louder as the pains intensified. The door flung open and the lights flipped on. They rushed to my side. "Fuck, she's bleeding." Kurt hissed. Courtney helped me sit up.

I felt like passing out. I grabbed onto her. "Court, is the baby dead?" I wailed. She frowned and shook her head. "No, no. It'll be ok." She whispered. "Kurt, call an ambulance." He nodded and scrambled off.

She tried to pacify me by stroking my hair. I felt her arms shaking as she grabbed some of my blonde hair. Even she was terrified. I started to see flashes of black.

"Court?" I croaked, feeling myself growing weaker.

Soon, all I saw was black.

"Miss Kassel?" I slowly woke up, feeling exhausted and weak. All the memories flowed into my mind.

The baby.

"Is my baby alright? Please say its ok." I plead, sitting up and clamping my hands together. The doctor pursed his lips and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Ms. Kassel, I'm so, so sorry. You've suffered from a miscarriage."

Time felt like it had come to a sudden stop. Things didn't feel all too real, it felt like an inescapable nightmare that I was trapped in.

"N-no, I did everything I was supposed to do for the baby. I didn't have a sip of coffee, I didn't smoke, drink, I didn't eat sushi, I avoide-" "there isn't anything you could've done, Ms. Kassel. This type of thing happens sometimes. We don't know why yet."

Loud, ugly sobs escaped my chest as I screamed and yelled. I couldn't even breath. Nurses tried to shush me. I felt a needle being shoved into my arm as one of them put her hands on my shoulder.

I soon could barely keep my eyes open. I wasn't screaming and sobbing anymore for my baby, I was exhausted.

Dave's P.O.V
I ran up the flight of stairs to the hospital floor she was on. I rushed past doctors and nurses to her room. Kurt had called. He said something happened to Julia.

I pushed the door open. The room smelled like hand sanitizer. Kurt, Courtney, shelli, and Krist were in chairs beside her bed. They spun around, their eyes burning into me.

"Hey." Kurt said, his voice tired and stretched. "Hi. What happened? Is she gonna be ok?" I asked immediately. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Everyone looked so, so sad.

"Were gonna step out." Shelli croaked, rising from her folding chair. They followed her out into the hallway. The door then shut. "Kurt, you-you're really scaring me." I hissed, my voice trembling uncontrollably.

He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Dave, she was pregnant, with your kid." He started, his voice cracking with pain. My blood froze. I started to feel sick. "Was?" I croaked, barely whispering. He swallowed hard.

"She lost the baby."

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