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Next day
8pm (sorry for the time skip)

Joey wanted to show me something today and I've been trying to get him to tell me but he kept on declining me. Rude much.

"Joeyyyyyy, seriously why can't I know?"

"Because it's a surprise princess. And in any case you need to get ready because we're leaving now." he said standing up and getting his car keys.

"I'm ready." I said and walked out the door and I just heard Joey chuckle in the background.

A smile appeared on my face just having the thought of his smile or laugh replay in my head.

It's hard to believe we made it this far. 6 years down the road together is just mind blowing.

Many things had happen that made us upset, angry, mad, happy all those mixed emotions.

I couldn't ask or think of a better boyfriend than Joey.

Went from dating him when I was 15 to getting into a an accident losing my memory.

To getting kidnapped by him thinking that he'd kill me if they got what they wanted.

To losing half my family and his. Making new friends on the way.

Getting pregnant with twins to almost getting married. And now we are here.

Me finding out that I'm actually a vampire and I have been dating a vampire since 15.

My thought were still running while we got in the car.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Joey looking at me them he smiled.

"I know, it's mind blowing that we made it this far." he said and I smiled turning my head to face him.

He took my hand and locked our fingers. "And I couldn't be more grateful for these past 6 years with you."

He looked back up and we locked eye contact. "Till this day I can never get use to you, I learn something new about you every minute. Believe it or not I sometimes wonder if this is a dream."

"It's not, and if you can't get use to me then that means I'm doing my job." we both started laughing.

"Only you can make jokes like these in a time like this." he said then placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Finally, I've been waiting all day for that." I said refuring to the kiss.

He just laughed "Something new every minute." he whispered and I just giggled.

He started the car and we well he drove out our driveway.

He went down a road I've never seen in my whole life before.

It had a beautiful, silver full moon with the prettiest stars.

There were beautiful trees and animals running around.

"Are the super naturals?" I asked looking at the beautiful white- grey  wolf standing at a mountain.

"Everything, I mean everyone here is super naturals like us. You get us vampires and them, the wolf. We are the good side. There is a line where the good side and the bad side connects, go over that line then a war starts."

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