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"WHY AM I HERE?" I yelled hoping someone will answer my question.


I was handcuffed to a steel chair with I black bag over my head. Thanks for making me see better.

Wow, I didn't know black head bags were in fashion remind me to get one for myself when I'm free. Note the sarcasm.

You're probably asking what am I doing here, well my good friend I don't know either.

All I remember was that my friends and I were hanging out at the park and a group of guys walked up to me.

I don't know them but somehow they knew me.

I'm a very friendly person so I like making new friends so my friends and I decide to let them chill with.

It was pretty late and we decided to go home. My friends and I don't live near each other so we all went out separate ways.

I debated whether I should just walk with one of my friends back to their house and wait for my sister to pick me up there or should I just walk.

One of the guys came up to me. "Hey, I could walk you back home if you don't mind."

I thought for a while and just shrugged and nodded. "Sure some company would be nice."


It's late night and my friends and I decided to go hang out at the park.

We were just sitting there and talking about how boring school and how we just can't wait for these three years to pass till be say "adios amigo."

From distance I could see a black van standing there in the parking  but I didn't bother on it and just kept on talking to my friends.

Then some guys came up to us. We talked and It got late.

"Guys it's getting late and we have school tomorrow so let's get back home." Megan said while standing up.

Megan and I have been friends since young age, she's like a sister to me. Idk what I'll do without her.

And then I have my other two friends Rachel and Adrianna. Honestly I don't know what I'll do without the three of them.

"Yeah, I'm also getting tired." I said and we started walking.

"Bye guys." I said and we all said our goodbyes and went home.

I looked back to where the black van was parked and it wasn't there anymore.

Now that's just creepy.

I started walking a little bit faster and looked behind me to make sure it wasn't following me.

I heard someone walking behind me and I think I needed new pants because I'm pretty sure I just shitted these one.

I turned around to see no one behind me, okay I think I'm getting crazy when I started hearing someome whisper.

Now I'm pretty sure I just shitted my pants.

I started running and looked back to the person also running and he yelled. "Hey Lilly stop it's me Daniel."

Were they planning on kidnapping me? I think so.

As I looked back one more time I bumped into somebody.

"Hey, hey calm down, let me walk you back home." he said holding my shoulders

I nodded and we started walking.

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