Character Ask.

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Hey! So...this is the character ask and their answers for the questions you left on the chapter before. So...yeah. Enjoy!  

Peter had the most questions haha. They were mostly death threats and wondering why he was an arsehole so...just enjoy. Aha.




Calum: You know, the usual, the 'sweet talking, kissing, and rubbing my baby bump' kind of thing. Then he dragged me out the door and kidnapped me. As for the baby...I don't know if it's okay. Hopefully it is. 


Calum: Not a question but...thank goodness, I know someone else that's going to attempt to save me. 

- Calum are you and the baby okay? Kick Peter in the jungle berries if he tries to hurt you or the baby okay?

Calum: I really don't know if we're okay or if we're going going to be okay. But I can promise you that I do anything to protect my baby. 

- How scared are you right now cos I think I just pissed myself!?!

Calum: More scared than I've ever been. I don't know what's happening, where Peter's taking me, or if Luke will ever be able to find me. It's scarier because now, my nightmare is becoming a reality.

- What do you think Peter will do to you?

Calum: Knowing Peter, he'll do anything he pleases. So it's hard to tell what he's going to do to me, because he'll want to do anything.

- Are you planning on adopting another pet in the future? You know, you would probably need to keep your dog 'occupied', if you know what I mean.. *wink* *wink*

Calum: Oh dad and I have actually talked about that. He said that he'd rather not have ten little puppies running around the house. Niko's just right for the two of us. There's no need for another pet. 

- Do you miss Luke? I know you haven't been separated long, but do you miss him at all? 

Calum: I miss him more than anything right now. I just want him here so he can hold and tell me that everything's going to be okay. 

- What's the best thing Luke has done for you? 

Calum: Hmm...I'd have to say the evening picnic and dance he planned when I was released from the hospital. 

- Calum babe are you alright? I hear pregnancy sucks? Do you need me to rub your feet or get you some weird craving stuff bc I can do that for you if you want? 

Calum: I was doing alright, until the whole kidnapping thing happened. Pregnancy has its ups and downs, but it's okay once you know what to expect. I'd have to say that the morning sickness phase was the worst part overall. But knowing that you're letting a new person grow inside you makes it all worth it. But thank you! If you're willing I mean. Luke already does all of that but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you took over for a while.

- Calum where the fuck are you? So I can give you back to Luke. 

Calum: I don't even know where Peter's taking me right now, so I can't exactly tell you. 

- Answer this truthfully, would you EVER consider dating Peter if you broke up with Luke and Peter wasn't a bad person anymore?

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