Character Ask.? [Closed]

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Hello all! I'm back...and this isn't an actual chapter. 

But how have you guys been? 

I know, I left you all on a cliffhanger where Calum was kidnapped by Peter and Luke and everyone else was too late to save him. I know, I'd hate it as much as you but I wanna try something. 

Btw, how ARE you guys feeling on the last chapter? I'm just wondering aha. 

How would you guys like it if I did a character ask? Would you guys participate?

If so, I'll have the character names below.

If you really don't care, disregard this whole update. 

If I get enough questions, the Q&A will be the next update. If not, the next update will be a chapter and I'll decide if a Q&A will come at all. 

If you're on your phone or any mobile device (which most of you probably are), use the inline comment thing so it'll be easier to sort through questions. If you're on a computer or laptop, comment the character's name and ask your question. 

Anyway, the characters you can ask questions to are: 







Aaron (Calum's dad).

Me(?) If you guys want. Haha.

And also any other characters I forgot or feel the need to ask questions to. But I'm sure that those are more or less the main characters. 

I know, this was probably the WORST time for a character ask, but I just wanted to try it because this story has become a HUGE sucess for me and it gives you a chance to see what's going on in the character's minds (who don't a POV). 

So, depending if there's enough questons for the characters/me to answer, the next update might be a character ask, or another chapter.

But fair warning, if I do write end up writing a chapter, it won't come for another couple of day. Where as the character will most likely come later tomorrow.

So...yeah. That's it. Thank you! 

Hope to hear questions from you soon! Feel free to ask more than one! :) 

- Gabie(: 

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