Chapter 31

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*Possible Trigger warning*

Lukas kissed Philip goodbye before riding off to the store. Philip sighed in bordem "come here Bandit!" Philip said excitedly as the puppy ran towards Philip. She barked before sitting down. "Tug of war?" Philip suggested Bandit yipped in response.

"Jump Bandy" Philip said raising the you rope up more. Bandit jumped as she latched onto her toy. Philip laughed as he tugged it away from her. Bandit pulled back as she hit the dresser the sound of glass shattering sounded throughout the room.

Philip knew that it wasn't his job to snoop but he couldnt help it. He opened the dresser drawers to find bottle upon bottle of drinks now empty and broken. Philip shook his head.

He dialed Lukas' number. Lukas picked up on the third ring "hey Phil-" Philip began to lose his cool "you lied to me Lukas. What else have you been hiding" Philip demanded. "You went through my dresser!" Lukas exclaimed.

"I have a right to Lukas we're together we need to trust each other" Philip argued. "What else did you find?" Lukas asked frustrated "so you admit there is more than just bottles in there. Lukas why couldn't you come to me for help" Philip asked.

"I-I gotta go" Lukas lied as he hung up.

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