Chapter 13

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"I never intended to hurt you Philip" Lukas replied. "Oh you mean you never meant to shut me out? Act like I was a ghost? That I never existed? All for your popularity. Isn't that right" Philip raged.

"Phili-" Philip couldn't hold back anymore "no don't Philip me! Don't you get it Lukas? I'm not made to be played with. I'm not going to be your distraction from your reality! I'm a human and i'm not going to let you beat me up then make out with me because you feel pity." Philip said vexation boiling with in his rushing blood.

"Philip I-" Philip stopped Lukas "you need to learn that you can love anyone Lukas! Just because they are the same gender or qualify themselves as any sexuality doesn't nean you shut them out! We're all human, we should all feel loved not hated" Philip spoke up.

"Because everyone deserves to be loved" Philip said to himself making Lukas frown.

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