Chapter 8

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*A few days later*
Lukas coughed his throat burning his eyes irritated. His hair a mess he spotted Philip who was crying. "What's-" he got held up by his coughing fit.

"Why Lukas? Why couldn't you ask ne to help you?" Philip said enraged. "Nightmares" he spoke his throat dry and sandy.

"I thought you were-" Philip couldn't hold back as he shot back everything "Dead! I thought you were going to end it because it was all too much. So why on Earth couldn't you ask for help!" Philip shouted his voice bouncing off the walls.

"I was scared!" Lukas said equally as loud. "What scared to admit you're a homophobic gay bully who hooks up with me, the new boy for fun?! Who doesn't love Rose? Who has a reputation? Because that's right that's all that matters doesn't it Lukas? Popularity! Not being honest with yourself asking for help when you need it!" Philip growled.

"You're the one who kissed me first!" Lukas shot back. "No Lukas that night you were so drunk that you made out with me. That was you. That wasn't me" Philip said agitated.

"Why did you even fall for me?" Lukas asked "I don't know maybe I thought I could change you. Make it so you don't have to put up a mask. But you didn't listen" Philip replied harshly before walking out of the hospital room and outside.

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