Chapter 3

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*Trigger Warning*

*Later that night*

All throughout the house was not a sound to be heard. Lukas tossed and turned in his bed, his mind on Philip. His thoughts clouding his sleep. He closed his eyes, vivid images of Philip engraved in his mind. Lukas shot up from his bed and put his head in his hands. He breathed in and out closing his eyes again.

Once again an image came to his head this time Philip was on his knees a gun pressed to the back of his head. He pleaded for the gunman to not shoot "please! I'll do anything" he cried out.

Lukas shot up from his nightmare again he put his hand to his heart. He focused his breathing before laying back down his eyes screaming for sleep.

He closed his eyes as the nightmare continued. The person who held the gun to Philip's head wore the same flannel Lukas wore and had the same blonde hair. The last thing he saw was bright blue eyes before the gun fired.

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