Chapter 16

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"Philip I need the flour" Lukas shouted from across the kitchen. "Catch" Philip yelled as he chucked it at Lukas. "Philip no!" Lukas shouted as he jumped for the flour ripping the bag as he caught it. Flour poured all over the counter and in the bowl. "Oops" Philip said in shock.

"Okay milk ! And don't throw it Philip" Lukas warned. "Okay" Philip smiled as he poured the amount over Lukas. "Philip ! My hair" he squeaked. "I got the egg" Lukas said cracking it over Philip's head.

"Hey !" Philip pouted crossing his arms. "Make a wish" Philip joked "okay" Lukas smirked blowing the salt in Philip's face.

"Watch the floor" Philip warned laughing as Lukas slipped. After they put all the ingredients in the bowl they stirred it. Put it in a pan and waited to flip it.

After the pancakes were done they made animals out of them. "I made a dog" Philip smiled. "And I made a panda" Lukas said.

"Dogs are better" Philip said "as if, pandas are cuddly" Lukas shot back. "Dogs have tails" Philip disagreed. "You're tail shaming pandas !" Lukas exclaimed.

Lukas gasped taking the bacon tail from Philip's dog pancake adding it to his panda pancake.

"How's it feel to be tailess" Lukas teased.

After destroying each others pancakes the boys had a food fight.

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