Chapter Thirty-Four

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We spent our morning walking up and down the boardwalk, in and out of souvenir shops, we even ventured onto the beach to feel the sand against our feet for a little while. I was having such an amazing time and I couldn't think Naomi enough for this adventure.

We had just finished eating dinner at Phillips Seafood restaurant. The food was incredible as expected and I reclined in my chair to relax while we waited for the check. It stood at the top of playground pier, a three-story mall that connected to our hotel. Our stomachs were undoubtedly stuffed as we made to the lowest level to exit onto the boardwalk. The sun had set by the time we made it outside and I couldn't help but wonder where the time has gone.

We casually strolled down the boardwalk, just sightseeing, until we eventually ended up at the steel pier. It was located at the opposite end of our hotel and I was already dreading the walk back. We stepped into the entrance of the amusement park that sat along the peir.

"I have a surprise for you, follow me." She said dragging me through the park towards the end of the peir. As soon as I saw the sign Helicopter Ride, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. She knew I hated heights.

"Naomi, please don't make me do this." I begged, digging my heals into the wood planks.

"Don't be a chicken shit, can you imagine how beautiful the views will be at night?"

Exasperated, I followed her into the booth to pay for our tickets. I begged her to get the shortest ride possible and she agreed, paying for the shoreline view. We were instructed to head out to the platform and stand by the helicopter for a souvenir photo. This was something I didn't want to remember but I walked with her regardless.

The engine of the helicopter was deafening as we tried to pose for our picture. There was a bright light surrounding the helicopter, making it hard to see where the camera was. Suddenly another bright light went off in the opposite direction we were looking, and I could just imagine what we looked like. I guess we would see soon enough.

An employee ran out to the side of the helicopter to assist us in our seat. It was just as loud inside the helicopter than it was standing next to it and my head was begging to pound. The pilot entered the helicopter, handing us each a set of headphones before testing its speakers.

"Can you ladies hear me?" He asked through his mic. We nodded our heads in response. "Great, we're ready for takeoff. Would you like a boring or fun ride?"

"Safe! We'd like a safe boring ride." I begged through my mic before Naomi could contradict me. He chuckled at my response and gave me a thumbs up.

I dug my fingernails into Naomi's hand as we lifted five hundred feet into the air. My adrenaline was pumping frantically through my veins as we made our way down the shore and over the line of casinos. The helicopter suddenly turned on its side and I stopped breathing.

"We're just turning around." The pilot assured me.

I glanced out the window and saw that we were already heading back. Thank god. As the fear settled down, I took a moment to appreciate the view. Each casino was brightly lit in the nights sky and it truly was beautiful.

We landed smoothly along the peir and I regretted not taking a longer flight. It wasn't as bad as I thought. We waited for assistance out of the helicopter before we made our way into the booth to grab our picture. Just as I expected, we were both looking in the opposite direction with our eyes squinted but I loved it anyways.

"Ready for your other surprise?" Naomi asked smiling brightly at me. Her excitement was making me nervous, what the hell was she getting me into now?

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