Chapter Eight

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Against Alexanders wishes, I went home. The drive back to my apartment felt longer than usual. I wanted nothing more than to stay with him. Why did I just do that? What the fuck have I done? Isaac will never forgive me. Despite my panic attack, I still find myself smiling. I can't bring myself to truly regret my actions and that makes me feel even worse. Will Alexander tell Isaac? Will I? Does he even have to know? Will I do it again? How far will this go, was that the only time I'll feel his lips against mine? I feel so fucking conflicted. Taking a deep breath, I park my car and head into my apartment building.

I press the call button for the elevator and wait. I check my watch and it's just past 11 p.m. It took less than three hours to turn into a whore. Suddenly I feel exhausted and I can't wait to lay down in bed. I step into the elevator and press the button for the eighth floor and impatiently bite my fingernails on the way up. A small ding alerted me that I reached my floor, stepping off into the hallway I spot a woman standing by my front door, knocking impatiently. She's remarkably beautiful. Her dark black hair cascades down her back in waves, nearly reaching her ass. She has a petite figure with the perfect amount of curves. Her attire is business casual in a tight black skirt with a red blouse. She looked like a model.

"Can I help you?" I ask approaching her. Her eyes lock with mine and I instantly recognize her, Issacs mother.

"You must be Jessica."

Reaching for my hand, she gives it a limp shake like she's disgusted and her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. Suddenly my front door opens and there stands Isaac.

"Mother! Jessica, hey honey, come in." Isaac says while opening my door further. Maria hurries past me and walks inside, disregarding both of us completely. I follow behind her, giving Isaac a glare on my way through. What the hell are they doing here?

"Jessica, this is my mother Maria. She couldn't make it to dinner tonight either, but she was in the city, so she decided to stop by. I told her you'd be home soon, so we should just meet here so she could meet you." Isaac rambled. He was nervous, I just couldn't tell if he was nervous for her, or nervous for me.

"Thanks for the heads up." I whisper.

"Beautiful place," Maria states sarcastically while walking through the living room. I instantly don't like her. She may be beautiful, but her insides are hideous. You could feel the bitch radiating off her. If only she knew her husband just finger fucked me in their gazebo half an hour ago. My heart beats faster at the memory. Again, I glance at Isaac waiting for him to step in.

"Well, are you going to offer me a drink?" She asks while inspecting the dust on the fireplace. Before I could speak, Isaac runs to the kitchen grabbing a few glasses from the cabinet eager to please his mother.

A moment later he walks back in holding three flutes of red wine handing one to each of us. What in the world was Isaac thinking bringing his mother to my house this late at night. I longed for my warm bed and sleep. I wasn't in the mood to socialize, let alone give a good impression. It was getting harder by the minute to contain myself. She easily made herself at home, settling on the couch and propping her red Louis Vuitton's on my coffee table.

"So, you plan on marrying my Isaac?" She asks while taking a small sip of her drink.

All I could do is nod my head. My mind is distracted, my thoughts still on Alexander. I wonder if he feels lonely right now.

"Why? For our money, right?"

Her comment instantly snapped me back to reality. The nerve of this woman. I've never met someone so rude in my life. I wanted to throw her out of my house by her hair but decided against it when I saw the pleading look on Issacs face.

"Excuse m-" I start but Isaac is quick to cut me off.

"Because we are madly in love with each other. She makes me a better man, mother please don't act like this." He nearly begs.

"Your right sweetie, how rude of me. I apologize Jessica, I'm just looking out for my sons' best interest." Maria states while hugging Isaac. "You understand right?"

"Completely." I reply giving her the best smile I can compose.

"Are you guys up for a later dinner?" She asks, still clinging to Issacs side.

"I'd love to. Jessica, I know you ate at Dads, but will you come?"

His eyes look desperate as they stare into mine, but I can't bring myself to care. Again, I think of Alexander. Does he miss me? Taking a deep breath, I slowly shake my head.

"I would love to, but I am really tired, maybe another time?"

"You had dinner with Alex?" Maria questions with a bitter look on her face. Yeah because I assume he frequently eats alone, I think to myself.

Ignoring his mother's comment, Isaac pulled me into his arms and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before walking his mother out. I locked the door behind them and headed back into the living room to pick up the empty wine glasses. After I throw them in the sink I head back into the foyer to grab my cell phone, so I can charge it. My screen lights up in my hand and I notice a new text message from an unknown number.

"I sincerely apologize for tonight. I am a weak man and I deeply regret my actions. Please forgive me.

I reread his text a thousand times over. I couldn't decide whether to delete it, reply, or run to him. It made me unbearably sad to realize how terrible Maria must treat him. How heartbroken he is at the mere mention of her. Is that why he sought comfort within me? Is that why he kissed me? My soul ached for him, but I couldn't figure out why. I barely fucking know him. Retreating to the kitchen I grab the open bottle of wine from the fridge and sink to the floor trying to sort through my chaotic mind. I remain there gulping down the contents until it's empty. Sadly, I don't feel any better and I have nothing figured out. I love Isaac. He always puts me first, he always makes sure I'm taken care of. He's safe and predictable. He lives a carefully planned but fast paced life, but I can't help but yearn for someone new, someone dark, someone exciting, someone like Alexander. He is a puzzle that I have an uncontrollable need to decipher.

I felt pain deep in my chest. I didn't want to hurt Isaac, but I needed something more. With Isaac I feel rushed. Rushed to get married. Rushed to start a family. Rushed to start a career. I just wanted to take things at my own pace, or at least have the chance to catch up.

A vision of Alexanders broken soul invades my mind, sitting alone in the dark nursing a bottle of whisky. I stand and grab my keys off the counter but before I could reach the front door I stumble, just now noticing I'm completely trashed. Maybe that's why my emotions are all over the place. I angrily throw my keys across the room and march into my room quickly removing my clothing along the way. You can't fall in love with someone overnight, it just doesn't fucking happen. It's my fault for even entertaining thoughts of him. I can control this mess. I can stop it now before Isaac or Alexander gets hurt. Utterly drained, I collapse onto my bed and pray for darkness.

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