Chapter Nineteen

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The last few days have been a drunken blur. Naomi was just now starting to act like herself. The last few days she just spent moping around the house refusing to eat, not really sleeping. It was taking a mental and physical tole on the both of us. Nothing I said, nothing I did could console her out of her depressed state until today. Marcos party was tonight, and she was determined to break someone's heart. She was looking forward to tonight and I couldn't be more grateful.

Isaac had refused the invitation, letting Naomi and I have a night out to ourselves and I couldn't be more thrilled. I felt butterflies in my stomach as the thought of seeing Alexander crossed my mind. I felt the familiar pull in between my legs every time I thought of him and I clenched my thighs together. I wanted that mad so badly. Naomi and I were currently cuddled up on the couch with a huge blanket eating the breakfast Isaac dropped off to us this morning. The sound of the news channel played quietly in the back ground, counting down the hours until the new year as we ate.

"Is it too late to take a nap?" Naomi joked rubbing her stomach. I felt the same way, incredibly full and sleepy.

"No," I say glancing at my watch "but I'd advise against it, we might fall into a food coma and miss the party entirely."

We both laugh and get up to discard the remaining food that we couldn't finish. It was around noon and we were just getting started for the day. I was thankful I didn't have to be back at work until the middle of next week, I've really needed this vacation. I walked over to the counter to start a pot of coffee as a deep yawn escapes me. I pull two mugs from the cabinet as the coffee starts to brew. The aroma slowly filling the kitchen, making my mouth water.

"What time are we supposed to leave?" Naomi asks taking her place beside me.

"The party starts around 9:00. Marco said he's sending a car that will be here around 6:30." I say pouring us each a cup of coffee.

"How sweet of him. Are you sure Isaac will grab our dresses from my apartment in time?"

"Yeah, he's running over on his lunch break. Stop worrying!"

"Does his job ever close? It's New Year's Eve for Christ sake. He deserves a day off as hard as he works." She murmurs grabbing creamer from the fridge.

"Open 365 days a year." I reply grabbing the creamer from her and pouring a healthy amount into my cup. I hand the creamer over to her as she puts the amount she wants in hers.

"Alexander's a hard ass. Anyways, I can't wait to bring in the new years with you. We're going to get absolutely trashed right?"

"Definitely." We laugh and relax against the counter as we finish our coffee. After the caffeine enters our blood stream we head back into the living room to relax on the couch. We still had a few hours before we had to start getting ready, so we binge watched Orange is the New Black until Isaac arrived with our bags.

"Jesus girls, what are in theses." He grunts struggling to carry everything into the dining room. He peeks into one of the Victoria Secret bags and pulls out a gold silk thong attached to a garter belt.

"That's mine." Naomi says, and he instantly drops it. We bust out laughing as he pushes the bags away from him and mutters something inaudible on his way to the kitchen. I follow him as Naomi sorts through the bags, pulling out what she needs for tonight.

"I hope you both have an amazing night. I'll be missing you every second I'm not with you. This is going to kill me." Isaac says pulling me in for a kiss. I allow it and wrap my arms around his neck out of instinct. Still, it feels like our fire has burned out as we kiss so I pull away from him and busy myself with the dishes. I feel so guilty, but I just don't feel how I use to about him anymore.

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