Chapter Twenty-Five

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I was inconsolable.
Not even Naomi could bring me comfort. I wept on her couch as she fed me cup after cup of chocolate ice cream until finally giving me the entire tub. I felt no better, not even after downing an entire bottle of red wine. It took me almost an hour to even get the words out of my mouth and tell her what happened. She immediately came and picked me up like the best friend she was. I felt shattered and I couldn't put myself back together. I missed him terribly already and it hurt so bad. I've never felt my heart break before now and the pain was almost unbearable. I needed him.

I wanted to run to him, to gravel at his feet and beg him to be with me but Naomi wouldn't allow that. I was grateful for her in more ways than one, I don't think I could handle another rejection from him. I cried until my eyes ran dry and even then, I felt like I needed to cry some more. I knew this day would come, when he realized that what we were doing was wrong. I hoped that our love would be strong enough at the point that nothing could break us apart. He didn't want me to break Isaac's heart and in return he took mine with him. How was I supposed to give myself to Isaac when Alexander had all of me? Naomi filled my lap with as much junk food as she could find in her kitchen before refilling my wine glass. I chugged the glass and took the bottle from her hands. Wanting to feel as numb as possible, I tilted my head back and drown myself with its contents. There was nothing worse than this.

"Jessica, please talk to me. Your making me worried." Naomi begged as she sat down next to me on the couch.

"It hurts." I sobbed falling into her lap.

I didn't know what else to say. It was hard to even put into words how I was feeling. It was getting worse and worse every second I thought about him. I tried to shake him from my mind but the harder I tried the more I thought of him. I fell incredible fast and now I felt like I was six feet under. I loved him.

"I know. I know." She cooed into my ear. It was hard to believe that we switched places in just a short amount of time. It was her who was consoling me now but that's what best friends are for. A loud frantic knock sounded through the foyer as Isaac's worried voice echoed through the door. Naomi glanced down at me, but I just laid there trying to control my tears. She got off the couch and talked through Isaac through the door.

"Isaac now isn't the best time." Naomi screamed through the steel door.

"Naomi, is she okay? Please let me see her." Isaac begged.

"She's okay, she just needs some space right now."

"Please open the door. I need to make sure she's okay. Jessica, if you can hear me I'm sorry. I love you baby, please open the door."

Naomi looked at me for guidance. I didn't want to shut him out, but I'd be damned if I let him in to see me like this. I didn't know what to do as his pleas echoed through the room. It's not like I could tell him that I fell in love with his father and he broke my heart. I didn't have the courage to tell him what I've done. Suddenly Naomi opened the door and a concerned Isaac rushed to my side. A fresh set of tears streamed down my face, he had so many of Alexander's qualities that it hurt to even look at him. I hid my face from view as I sobbed.

"Jessica, what's wrong. Please talk to me baby." Isaac begged rubbing the hair out of my face. "Is it what I said at lunch? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be inconsiderate."

"Her parents not being at the wedding has been hitting her pretty hard." Naomi lied for me. Not that I don't miss my parents everyday, but my heart already broke for them several years ago. I've already mourned everything that they would miss out on the year they passed.

Isaac nodded his head not sure what to say or how to console me. Not that it mattered anyways, I was a loss cause. I was an absolute mess and they stared at me like an injured dog. In less than twenty-four hours my life has turned upside down and I didn't know where to turn.

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