Chapter Four

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I lay awake just starting at her. She was stunning, absolutely fucking beautiful. How on earth did I get so lucky for this incredible, intelligent woman to fall in love with me. Time stops as I watch her sleep, her chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. My heart clenches painfully. I fucking love her with everything that I am. I reach out to tuck a strand of misplaced soft blonde hair behind her ear. Her eyes slowly flutter open, staring straight into my soul.

"Good morning Jess," I smile at her.

"Is it 6:00 a.m. already?" She groans.

A soft chuckle leaves my lips. Jess has never been a morning person, I on the other hand never slept past 4:30 a.m. Old habits die hard. I watch as she stretches and wills the rest of her body to wake up.

"I'll see you for dinner tonight?" She asks noticing I'm already fully dressed, heading for the door.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll should be out of my last meeting around 7:00. I'll call you when I'm leaving the office. It's my turn to cook dinner for you."

"So, dinner and a show?" Jessica asks playfully.

"Hey! Be nice to my ego, I'm trying here. I'll be able to cook you something edible one of these days. Nine times the charm. Unfortunately, I don't take after my father in that department." I state, placing a gentle kiss to the side of her temple. Her natural scent assaults me, she always smells divine.

"I love you Isaac, have a great day at work and don't forget to think about me."

"Impossible." I declare.

The forty-five-minute commute to work is worth it as long as I fall asleep with Jessica in my arms and wake up to her comforting scent surrounding me. Pain erupts though my chest as the memory of her rejection floods me.

"I'm just not ready to take that step with you. I love you Isaac, so much. I just want to take this at a comfortable pace. I promise, we will know when it's time. Please don't push this."

"Jessica, I need you. I don't want to lay down at night without you by my side. I want your tooth brush next to mine. I want your shampoos to clutter the shower. I want you to yell at me every time I forget to put the seat down. I want to find your clothes, mixed in with mine. I want my day to start and end with you, every day for the rest of our lives. Jessica, please" I begged.

"I'm just not ready Isaac."

That was the end of the conversation. No budging, no compromising, she just wasn't ready. Shaking off the unwanted memory, I pull into the parking garage of one of my father's numerous accounting firms. I've been working for him since I could remember. At the young age of seven, I would come to work with my father and observe in awe. I knew that one day, I would have the privilege of working for my father. He's taught me everything I know. Dad's hard and firm but has always been patient with me, teaching me everything I need to be successful in this industry. Over the years I've acquired more and more responsibility, trusting me with the company he's built from the ground up. I strive every day to make him proud. Several hours into my workday, I look down at my desk. Papers are scattered everywhere, and my mind is begging to fog. I've been trying endlessly to get ahead for next week no to avail. With a knock on my office door, I groan.

"Come in,"

Looking up from the mess I smile up at my best friend Andy. We have been friend since diaper days. We took our first steps together, had our first sleep over together, hell even watched our first porn together. We are inseparable.

"Dude, are you ever going to each lunch?" Andy states, eyes flicking back and forth between my chaotic desk and my disheveled appearance. Here we go.

"I think I'm going to skip today. I've got a lot of paperwork to catch up on."

Looking up I see a smug grin slowly overtaking his face. Sauntering over to my desk, Alex grabs me by my forearm and starts dragging me away from my responsibilities. I bare down my weight, but Andy is relentless, and I'm eventually dragged though my office out of the front door.

"Burgers or Chinese?" I ask, fixing the creases Andy caused in my button down aimlessly following him down 77th street.

"Definitely burgers. I'd kill for some bacon cheese fries too. Heavy grease is the way to my heart."

"You're going to put me into a coma. I'll never finish the rest of my work load after this." I groan. Mentally preparing myself for over time later this week. I get depressed realizing that's more time away from Jess.

"So how are things going with you and Jessica?" Andy asks after we order our food and relax into a booth near the back.

"Perfect. I couldn't be happier." I state proudly. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I tell him about Jessica meeting my dad. I leave out the part that mom wasn't at dinner, Andy is family. He doesn't even question it. He knows my mother has shattered our family with her infidelity. Hell, she couldn't even stop fucking with her new play thing for five minutes to meet the love of my life.

"I'm happy for you man. You deserve this. I wish you both nothing but the best. I promise not to crash your wedding, the after party is a different story though. I expect nothing less than an open bar."

I laugh at his remark. Typical Andy, always turning a serious conversation into a joke.

"How are you and Naomi?" I ask changing the subject. Naomi is his longtime girlfriend and conveniently Jessica's best friend.

"Great dude. Although ever since we moved in together the sex isn't as often as I'd like but I'll take what I can get." He chuckles.

"Change things up a bit. Be spontaneous occasionally, it might help."

"Says the dude who still hasn't persuaded Jessica to have sex yet." Andy laughs at my expense.

"I respect her man. Trust me when I say we still find was to pleasure each other." I state unashamed. In the beginning of our relationship Jessica expressed that she was saving herself for marriage. Lucky for me Jessica has a high libido. Always touching me, as I am always touching her. Everything goes except penetration.

"Still man, I'd lose my damn mind. Have you guys settled on a date yet?"

Finishing the last bite of my burger, I take a sip of my beer washing down the grease.

"I wish it was tomorrow man. Unfortunately, it's undecided. It kills me that she doesn't share my last name yet. Jessica on the other hand, she wants to take a steady pace." Hopeful Jessica decides on an early spring wedding I think to myself. Again, Andy chuckles at the love-sick expression I constantly have on my face when discussing her.

"Your time will come man, don't rush it."

After lunch I head back to the office. Checking my watch, I busy myself for the next few hours, anxious to go home to my angel.

At 7:00 p.m. sharp I call her. After a few rings she picks up.

"I miss you."

With a smile upon my face and my heart in my throat I start the engine.

"I'm coming for you, beautiful."

" I can't wait." She states breathless. With lust in her voice, I press the gas slightly harder, racing to her.

Unintentionally Bared, now called Wicked, is edited and now available on Amazon Kindle.

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