Chapter Nine

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The room was spinning, and I felt entirely too hot. My stomach turned, and my eyes shot wide open. Throwing the covers off me as fast as I could I rushed into the bathroom and violently emptied my stomach into the toilet. It was never-ending, it felt like I was choking. I clenched my head trying to relieve the throbbing in my brain. I felt like death and I deserved it. I sit there a few extra minutes just to make sure I'm finished before getting up and grabbing some water from my mini fridge. I glance at my alarm clock 4:56 AM. Christ. There was no way I could fall back asleep now. I walk over to my nightstand and dig through it eventually finding a hidden cigarette pack. Pulling one out of the box I grab a lighter and head for the balcony, grabbing my robe on the way out.

I stand against the railing and place the cigarette between my lips, eventually lighting it. I take a deep drag and glance at the street below me. Cars are already maneuvering though the city, more than likely heading to their families for Christmas Eve. Sadness fills me as memories of my parents invade. I miss them terribly. What I wouldn't give for one more hug, one more I love you. I take another puff from the cigarette, enjoying the nicotine rush though my veins. Isaac would be pissed, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Rolling my eyes at myself, I glance back down the street watching an early jogger only wearing sweatpants. I couldn't help but wonder how he hasn't froze to death. Taking one final puff I flick the cigarette off the balcony and watch it fall to the pavement and then head back inside.

I put the cigarettes back into its hiding spot and head into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and brush the vile taste from my mouth while I wait for it to heat up. Once finished, I happily jump into the shower, welcoming the boiling water. I take my time washing my hair and body, silently hoping to wash away my sins until the water runs cold.

Unfortunately, my sins are still there when I get out, locked in my soul until the day I die. I wrap a towel around my hair and body and head toward the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. While it brews, I head back into my room to throw on some warm pajamas until I have to get ready for tonight. Thankfully I have several hours. Alexander is throwing a Christmas party for his employees and I promised Isaac I would go. I start to panic when I realize that I'll be seeing him tonight. I wonder if he will tell Isaac. Either way I will deserve it.

Heading back into the kitchen I grab myself a cup of coffee and relax on the couch. The silence is deafening and once I can't take it anymore I turn on the TV, flipping through the channels until I settle on "How The Grinch Stole Christmas.". This movie was my favorite as a child. I'd watch it every single day for the entire month of December. It drove my parent mad. The sun was finally rising through my windows, brightening my living room as well as my mood. The last twenty-four hours took a toll on me mentally. The sound of keys jiggling in the door took my immediate attention. A moment later, Isaac came into view holding a brown paper bag from the bodega and two cups of coffee. He really was the fucking best.

"Good morning," I said causing Isaac to jump out of his skin. He didn't notice me on the couch when he first walked in and he nearly dropped everything. I couldn't help but laugh. I don't scare him often but when I can, it's a sight to behold.

"Fuck me. You almost gave me a heart attack Jess. What are you doing up so early?" He asks handing me a coffee and a chocolate croissant.

"What's that saying? 'early bird gets the worm'." I joke.

"Yeah but you don't eat worms and you definitely don't like waking up early. What's up are you alright?"

Slightly aggravated that he can read me so well I stomp off into the kitchen to warm up my croissant giving myself time to think of an excuse.

"I'm anxious about tonight." I finally reply, not entirely a lie but not for the reasons he thinks.

"Sweetheart. Relax, everyone is going to love you. You've met all of my coworkers and my parents, the only people who you won't know will be my uncles and trust me when I say, they are easy to get along with."

"Easier than your mother?" I counter.

"Yes. I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't hav-" before the unnecessary drawn out apology starts I cut him off.

"Isaac. It's okay." I breath out.

He reaches for me pulling me into his warm embrace. I welcome the familiar feeling and lean my head against his chest.

"I bought you something." Isaac says reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a black rectangular box and hands it to me. Inside was a stunning rose gold necklace with a singular bright two carat diamond. Removing it from the box he wraps it around my neck while I lift my hair for him, so he can clasp it in place. I turn toward him wrapping my hands around his neck.

"How does it look?" I ask smiling up at him. His face is serious as he cups the side of my cheek.

"It doesn't even touch how beautiful you are."

My heart clenches and I lean up to kiss him. It's a sweet kiss full of passion and love. How could I have betrayed such a gentle caring man? I put all my regret, all my sorrow into the kiss, hoping he would forgive me if he ever found out. He rests his forehead against mine, both of us trying to catch our breath.

"I have to run, but I'll pick you up around 5. Is that okay?" He asks placing gentle kisses against my temple.

"Thank you, for everything Isaac. Drive safe okay?"

"Always. I love you."

With one last kiss, he leaves and I'm alone again. I still have a few hours until I need to get ready. I relax back on the couch finishing my coffee and breakfast trying to debate what to do with my time. I keep myself busy, so my mind didn't wonder into unwanted thoughts. I cleaned every room even if they weren't dirty. When that was finished I read, once I got bored I watched some TV and finally I wasted enough time and I could start getting ready.

I walked into my bathroom and pulled out all my makeup. Tonight, was formal so I had to put in a little more effort in my appearance. Lining everything up among the counter and get to work. Almost an hour passes by and I'm finally done with my face. My eyes are smoky and dark, and my lips are a bright red. I rake a brush through my hair and turn on my curling iron. I take off all my clothes before I start so I don't mess up hair. I walk over to my bed and grab my panties and garters I set out earlier. My theme tonight is red. Highly appropriate I think. I hooked the strings from my garter to my panties, adjusting the straps so they were tight. Once satisfied, I walk back into the bathroom to finish my hair, settling on loose curls.

Grabbing my gown from the closet, I unzip it from its protective bag and step into it. It too was bright red, made fully of lace. The straps were thin, and the neckline was plunging. It hugged tight and the back was completely bare. The slit on my left side rode up dangerously high, almost exposing my garter. I felt beautiful. I paced though the foyer, growing nervous at all the things that could go wrong tonight. Alexander could tell Isaac what we did. Maria could slice my throat. I could make a fool out of myself in front of Isaacs colleagues, the possibilities are fucking endless. Finally, after what felt like an eternity Isaac arrives.

"You take my breath away, every fucking time I see you. You captivate me Jessica."

I blush profusely at his attention. He circles around me like prey, admiring me from every angle before taking my hand in his and leading me to the car.

"It's going to be a great night, I can feel it." Isaac states driving down the road tapping his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the music. I wish I felt the same, but my nerves are on high alert. All I can do is smile back at him and pray he's right. All too soon we pull into the now familiar estate of Alexander Sanchez. My hearts in my throat and my palms are clammy. Fuck me I need glass of wine. I'll even settle for the bottle at this point. There are easily twenty cars here already, I hope I can get lost in the crowd but highly doubt Isaac will let that happen.

Isaac round the car, opening the door for me. I place my hand in his and allow him to pull me out towards the front door. Just like the first time we met, Alexander opens the front door as we approach the steps and I nearly faint. He looks ravishing. Dressed in a tailored black tux with a red silk button down, all pieced together with a black tie. I couldn't help myself from gawking, the need to be near him, to touch him, was dire.

"I'm glad you both could make it. Isaac, may I have a word with you? Alexander states avoiding eye contract with me completely. My heart stopped beating in my chest as I watched them walk away.

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