Chapter Twenty

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I exited the limousine into Marcos horseshoe drive way, its entire length was paved in decorative stone all the way to his three leveled mansion. Marcos home was enormous, over 12,000 sqft and three stories tall completely made of stucco and stones. It screamed rich, extravagant to say the least. His home was brightly lit, precisely decorated for the occasion and it was beautiful. Guest were already piling in the french double doors at the top of the stairs, clearly excited to be here. Marco must throw one hell of a party. Naomi steps out of the car a moment later and hands me my mask. I help her tie hers on securely behind her head before she helps me with mine. We both link arms before walking up the driveway towards the entrance. The music's volume increased with each step, slightly shaking the house. Naomi and I smiled at each other as we reached the top step, excitement filling us both. The interior of the home took my breath away. Much like Alexander's home, Marcos was modern and expensive. We stepped upon the polished marble floors which opened into a ginormous foyer that accompanied a split staircase.

"Wow." I breathed taking it all in.

"I know," Naomi said beside me.

We stood dumbstruck in the middle on the foyer as guest squeezed past us and up the stairs. After a beat I drew us out of our trance and forced us forward, following the other guest. Marcos home was refurbished in black and gold lights, streamers, and balloons. Naomi and I fit in perfectly as we reached the top. The life of the party was on the third floor in what I could only describe as a ballroom. The ceiling was vaulted at least thirty feet above us, the entire wall in front us was made of glass showing a beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. Party goers danced among each other to the thumping sound of the music while others stood off to the side drinking and laughing. My eyes involuntarily searched for him, but to my disappointment he was nowhere to be found.

"Let's go grab a drink!" Naomi screamed in my ear. Hand in hand I followed her over to the bar at the far side of the room. The room smelt of cigar smoke, liquor, and sweat surrounded us as we pushed our way through the crowd. There was easily three hundred people in the room and the party barley started. Everyone I glanced at had a smile on their face, living in the moment, happy as hell.

"This is fucking amazing!" Naomi jumped once we reached the bar.

She screamed our order out to the bartender over the music and we only waited a few seconds before our drinks were in our hand. We stood off to the side just admiring the view while we sipped on our drinks.

"Come on slow poke, finish up so we can dance." Naomi said tipping my glass against my lips. I allowed her to feed me my drink before discarding the glass on the bar.

She gripped my hand again moving us into the middle of the dance floor, squishing us in between a couple dry humping. We held on to each other as we swayed our hips to the slow beat of the music, enjoying the atmosphere. Our bodies occasionally bumped into surrounding couples because the room was so packed, but I don't think anyone really cared, everyone was having too much fun. Once I started to sweat, I dug Naomi off the dance floor for another drink. While we were ordering I felt his eyes on me before he even approached us. My breathing hitched as he placed his hand at the small of my back, urging me to turn around. I couldn't help the joyous feeling as my eyes met his. He came.

"Good afternoon ladies, you finally made it." Marco says beside him. I glanced in his direction and gave him a smile.

"We've been here for a little while actually." I say amused.

"Holy shit. You must be Marco." Naomi says from beside me. I couldn't help the chuckle that left my lips as he extended his hand for her.

"The one and only. You must be Naomi." With a slight nod of her head he brings her hand to his lips, kissing it gently. Without releasing he spins her around, bluntly admiring her from every angle before dropping her hand from his. "Jessica, why didn't you warn me that your friend would be so beautiful. I'm almost speechless." He stated which caused Naomi to become flustered.

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