Chapter Seventeen

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Opening my front door, my heart stops in my chest. It's almost as if I forgot how to breath. I stand there, staring blankly at them. His strong arm is wrapped around her petite frame as they stare back. I wanted to rip her from him.

"Mom, Dad? What are you doing here?" Isaac asks from behind me.

"Well, since you didn't stop by the house, on Christmas, of all days, and you didn't answer your phone, We decided we were going to stop by." His mother spits.

My eyes were still focused on their combined bodies. My blood felt like it was on fire, watching him hold her, touch her. I still haven't moved from the spot in the doorway, effectively blocking their entrance. I couldn't comprehend what I was feeling, or even why I was feeling this way. She was his wife for fucks sake, he was hers, not mine. I screamed at myself to move out of the way, allowing them to enter.

"Holy shit Isaac. What happened to your face?"

Maria's voice pierced my ears, causing an instant head ache. I hated her so much. She untangled herself from Alexander to rush to Issacs side, and I couldn't be more grateful. I avoided eye contact with Alexander completely, fearing he would see the rage boiling inside of me. Maybe this was jealousy? Maybe this was love? Maybe this was just fucking tragic. I left Alexander in the doorway and walked into the kitchen to busy myself. I wanted to scream, I wanted to pull her by the hair and tell her how many times her husbands made me cum. I wanted to declare him as mine, and that fucking scared me. I needed to get a grip.

I never thought in a million years that I harbored these feelings inside me. I didn't know what to do with myself, I didn't know how to act. All I knew is that I wanted to kiss him, I missed his lips so badly. My emotions were chaotic, as I poured myself a glass of orange juice. Maria's exasperating voice carried though the living room and it drove me to the verge of insanity. I prayed this visit was as quick as the first, I don't know how long I could handle this. Seeing them in the same room, so close together disturbed me. Gathering strength from deep inside of me, I forced myself to walk back into the living room where everyone was now seated on the couch. Isaac sat on the love seat, while Maria was snuggled up against Alexander's side, her hand placed against his thigh. I averted my eyes, it was almost painful to look at them.

"So, I heard Marco invited you both to his new year's party." Alexander says to me. Automatically, my eyes meet his and I melt from the inside out. His dark chocolate eyes were amused at my discomfort and I hated him for that. He was provoking, that bastard.

"He did. Naomi is coming with us as well." I say peeling my eyes from his to look at Isaac. His body visibly relaxed in the chair almost relieved that even if he didn't go, I wouldn't be going alone.

"Well, that's news to me." Maria huffs.

"Is there a problem mom?"

"No, no problem at all. I've just never liked her. Her personality is too stiff for me."

My eyes roll so far into the back on my head, I fear they might just get stuck there. I hold my tongue for the sake of an argument and glance toward Isaac, hoping he'd catch on to my aggravation.

"If you say so, mother." Isaac says, his irritation with her was also present. I'm not sure if anyone really liked her, other than herself of course. Even saying her name put a foul taste in my mouth.

"So, any date on the wedding yet." She asks, her manicured hand sliding up Alexander's chest to rest against his collarbone. "You can't push it out forever."

"Still working on it." I force out. She rolls her eyes at me in response, shaking her head.

"Why the hesitation?" She barks back, but I have nothing to say. I couldn't really tell her that I was far from ready to marry Isaac. I couldn't tell her that I wanted to play with her husband a little while longer, that twice was not enough to satisfy my hunger for him.

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