Chapter Forty

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The drive from the city to Alexanders house was excruciatingly long, I couldn't wait to be with him again and Isaac's rambling was irritating. By the time we arrived at his house, it was already approaching midnight but I didn't mind, I was far from tired. Only half of Isaac's family showed up while the other half departed to their hotels for the night. Everyone was gathered in the living room, talking among themselves as we entered. Isaac was attached to my side as he introduced me to his relatives and my head began to hurt trying to remember everyone names and who they were related to. I scanned the room for Alexander as Isaac grabbed himself a drink but, he was nowhere in sight. My mood instantly saddened.

"This is my cousin, Lucas. He always stole my hot wheels when I was little." Isaac joked.

"Nice to meet you." I said extending my hand for him to shake. It was becoming harder and harder to keep the smile plastered on my face. Instead of Lucas shaking my hand, he pulled me against him and kissed the side of my cheek. I was startled when Isaac roughly yanked me from his arms, pulling me back to his side.

"Don't ever fucking do that again." Isaac yelled, causing a scene. he was becoming increasingly jealous these past few weeks and it was becoming a nuisance.

"Whoa, Isaac calm down man. I was just being friendly." Lucas replied sheepishly. Before Isaac could say anything further, Marco approached us quickly. He smiled down at me before patting Isaac on his back.

"Hey man, lets go grab a drink." Marco said. With his arm around Isaac's shoulder he whisked him away into the kitchen. He's been tense all week and I've just blamed it on wedding jitters. He's been dying to get married for months and now that it's here, he's probably anxious.

"Marco said Isaac's doctor switched up his medication so he's been on edge lately." Naomi whispered next to me. I shook my head in understanding, leaving the conversation to rest. "Wanna grab a drink?" Naomi asked nudging my shoulder.

"Sure," I replied following her over to the bar on the opposite side of the living room. "I'm not drinking tonight, I promised Isaac I'd drive home, plus it's not plausible to be hungover on your wedding day." I joked trying to lighten my mood but it didn't work.

"You know, you don't have to go through with this. Hell, you don't even have to tell him about Alexander, just leave Jess." Naomi said ignoring my earlier statement and handing me a glass of wine.

"It's not just that simple," I began.

"It is that simple." Naomi said cutting me off, and she was right, it really was that simple. I just don't know why I haven't done it yet. Maybe I've been waiting for Alexander to swoop in and rescue me, to tell me not to do this, to tell me he can't live without me but my hoped died tonight when he gave his speech. He wasn't going to save me, only I could do that. I couldn't do this anymore, even if I didn't end up with Alexander, I still had to end things with Isaac. Our conversation was cut short when Maria approached us.

"Where's Isaac, I want to give him his wedding present early."

"He went to the kitchen with Marco a few minutes ago." Naomi answered causing Maria to walk off in that direction.

"I still hate that bitch." She mumbled under her breath. We erupted in a fit of laughter until Alexander approached us. I glanced in Naomi's direction, asking her for a moment alone with Alexander before she walked off.

"Meet me upstairs in ten minutes." Was all he said before walking away. My mind filled with unanswered questions as he turned down the hallway towards the front of the house. What did he want from me? To fuck? To talk? To reject me? What could he possibly say that I haven't already heard? I had no doubt the next ten minutes would feel like a lifetime as I watched the clock against the wall tick by slowly. As soon as it circled ten times, I headed towards the stairs. With each step, my heart race increased, I was desperate to be with him. I practically sprinted down the hallway until I came to a stop at his bedroom door. I didn't bother with knocking, I reached for the handle and entered. Alexander sat at the end of the bed, his demeanor was gut wrenching, almost as if someone took his heart out of his chest and stepped on it.

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