Chapter Ten

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II stood frozen in spot by the front door, ready to bolt if required. It feels like I've been standing here for an eternity waiting for their return. My mind is reeling and I'm seconds away from hyperventilating.

My stomach flips when I notice the men approaching me. Isaacs face is deadpan, his fist as balled up on his sides, his knuckles turning white. He was pissed. Queue full blown panic attack. I glance in Alexander's direction for a brief second to see concern etched in his eyes. By the time they reach me, I'm ready for his wrath.

"Let's go grab a drink." Isaac says frustrated. He loops his arm though mine and leads me through the foyer into the main living area. The room is beautifully decorated. Bright golden Christmas lights hang from the vaulted ceiling. Two over sided Christmas trees stand proudly on either side of the large fire place, lights dancing against each branch. The room was highly populated with people chatting, dancing, and drinking. It looked like one hell of a party. I'm dragged through the crowd, apologizing occasionally when Isaac knocks me into people along the way.

My heart is pounding through my ears. I wish he would get this over with, the anticipation is overwhelming. Finally, we approach the open bar that's set up on the far side of the room. Isaac grabs himself a scotch while ordering me a margarita. Working up the nerve, I finally glance at him. His veins are popping though his neck and in the middle of his forehead. His eyes are cast down like he's contemplating what to do, what to say. I can't take it anymore.

"Isaac, talk to me." I beg while reaching out to him. I expected him to slap my hand away but instead he pulls me in, hugging me tightly to him while rubbing small circles against my lower back. I exhale deeply as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. He then leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Please forgive my mood. My father gave me some unwanted news." He says.

I lean back to look into his eyes. Searching to see if he knew. Why is he apologizing? It must be something else.

"What happened?" I dared to ask.

"It's my mom." He started clenching his fist. Turning toward the bar he chugs his drink and signals for a refill. After a beat he hands me mine and I take a small sip and lick the salt off the side. After he finishes his second drink he turns back toward me.

"She's here with another man. Blatantly disrespecting my father in front of our friends, our family. He just wanted to warn me of the backlash I might receive tonight." He spits, voiced filled with hate.

I could see the anger rolling off him in waves. After his third drink I grab his wrist trying to obtain his attention. Once I saw the look in his eye I released him. He needed this. I stood by him while he drank one after the other until he could barely stand any longer. I longed for another glass. This was not going well. I glance toward the crowd again, searching for a familiar face when I finally spot Andy. Leaving Isaac to tend to himself for a moment I strut towards him. I couldn't help but notice Naomi wasn't here. I felt sad, she would have saved me from this misery.

"Andy, may I borrow you for a moment." I say interrupting his conversation with a group of men. He must have heard the urgency in my voice as he quickly nods his head at them in his departure and takes his place by my side.

"Is everything alright?" He asks worried.

"Yeah, I just can't stop Isaac from drowning himself at the bar. I figured you'd be more equipped."

Andy was amused when we finally reached Isaac. He was a complete mess. He was barley standing while sloshing his drink in his glass and on his tux. When his eyes met mine, he looked furious.

"What the fuck Jessica. Apparently, I've been talking to myself! Where the fuck have you been?" He slurred not even noticing Andy. I was slightly outraged at his tone but before I could speak my mind, Andy stepped in.

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