August 17th, 2018

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"Brazil!!" Venezuela yelled, "I'm gonna kill you!!!" She ran after him as he started to run away. 

He had dunked her into the water and now he was gonna pay.

Portugal laughed at his kids, if his daughter got too much into trying to kill his son, he would step in.

But not now and besides. 

They were very entertaining.

"Should we help him?" America looked at Canada who shook his head.

"Braz will be fine," He said.

It was 6pm in the evening, the Sun was slightly starting to set. The party was meant to start late so it was. Plus, the sunset it only added to the scenery.

Alfred gave a laugh and nodded, he smiled as he looked around. 

Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Honolulu were playing in the water with Belgium and Maria and many Caribbean nations. It was adorable. 

Many of the Canadian provinces and cities and Northern American states and cities were challenging Denmark and Sweden to something.

Many of the Southern American states and cities and Mexican states and cities were with Portugal, Diego, Argentina, Panama, and Ecuador about to play futbol.

Their colonial siblings were actually having good time with their younger North American siblings. 

Yeah, everyone was getting along. And right now America, who was in a lodge with Canada and some siblings (Colonial and North American), was debating whether to get in the water or not. The scars on his arms weren't that noticeable unless you were trying to see them. Plus-

He suddenly felt someone put an arm around him and by the way Canada jumped next to him, the person must have wrapped an arms around him too.

"You lads haven't gone in the water?" They heard Scotland ask.

America turned to him, "Nah Uncle Scot, I may but not yet."

"Oh, so late night skinny dip-"

Canada hit him quickly and looked around for the younger Northern American states, provinces, territories, and cities, "No!! We don't do that!! You Europeans might do that a lot but not us!!" He felt his face flush.

Scotland burst out into laughter. "Never hurts to try something."

America laughed, his uncle was impossible. He was a very unique character.

"Oi Scotland!!!" Northern Ireland called out, "Stop bothering the poor boys!!!"

"Just teaching them the joys of trying something new!!" Scotland called back.

"That we'll never do!!" Canada said back.

America laughed again as Finland came over and protectively pulled the twins into his arms. "Stop tainting my babies' minds."

Scotland was just rolling on the floor laughing, "The lads might one day want to try some skinny dippin-"

"Oh my God!!!!" Canada shouted as he covered America's ears.

"Scotland!!" Finland said.

"I haven't even had any alcohal," He laughed.

"Mattie!!" Alfred whined, "I'm not a kid, you don't need to cover my ears!!" He tried removing his brother's hands but Canada wouldn't budge.

"Alright, alright," Scotland said, "I'll leave you boys alone now," He took a deep breath to calm his self from the laughter. Once he was calm enough, he got up from the floor and walked over to his brothers.

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