July 14th, 2018 Pt.2

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They got back to Alfred's hotel at about 5pm. The American was still sticking next to Portugal. He felt safe around his father.

I mean, Portugal.

The whole tour, he had just listened to stories from him. He honestly loved hearing stories, especially ones about superheroes or pirates. 

When he was younger, he would sometimes ask England and France or even sometimes Spain for a pirate story. But all three men were always either working or too tired.

So after awhile, he stopped.

But Portugal hadn't responded with that. He actually smiled and didn't even hesitant to tell him a story.

 You know.... maybe something wasn't wrong with him... Especially since Portugal wasn't acting like something was.... Maybe it was just the people around him who-

"Damn it Alfred, I'm talking to you!!" England's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

America jumped and look straight at England, his heart was pacing. What was he gonna say?

"I've been calling you for the past-"

No, screw everything he thought before. Something was wrong with him, not people around him. It was him.

"Don't fucking yell at him," Portugal growled, cutting England off.

England turned to the other nation and glared at him, "Why are you even here!?! Why won't you just-"

Portugal once again turned away from England to look at Alfred who was just staring at the ground since he was feeling very uncomfortable. He noticed the boy rubbing his eyes.

"Alfred, you're tired I think you should head up to your room, menino. I'll be up soon, we need to talk."

Alfred, a little surprised at the name of endearment Portugal called him, nodded, he knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. He was about to protest though, but was met with a fatherly look from Portugal that showed he wasn't taking any of that.

He just nodded again and headed to the elevator after his dad- Portugal ruffled his hair.

He left without saying anything to England.

Said nation glared at the two of them. Why was Portugal acting like this towards his son?!

That wasn't fair, it wasn't right.

Why did Portugal even call him that? He understood Portuguese, and balled his fists at the thought of the name.

Menino meant baby boy.

What the actual fuck!?

Honestly, these pass few weeks, he had been acting so rude towards him when he had done absolutely nothing wrong.

Alfred never even acted the way he did with Portugal, to him. The boy was just showing him attitude yesterday by not shaking his hand.

Was he jealous? 

Absolutely not.

But still, what was up with both of them? They had been getting so close with each other lately, and besides. Only he and France had the right to act that way with Alfred. Portugal just needed to sod off.

Luckily, he could confront the bastard right here, right now.

"I don't know why, but I don't appreciate you trying to play father with my son."

Why didn't Alfred act like that with him!?!

Portugal rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "He's not your son because real parents don't neglect their children. You three verbally, emotionally, and psychologically hurt your children but your all too proud and idiotic to see it, your a terrible father. None of you have seen the damage you caused to those children," He turned away from England and started to walk to the stairs but before he was completely out of sight, he turned back to England, "And for the record, I'm not playing father like you three did." 

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