April 27th, 2018

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Alot happened this week.

I called up Mattie and Toranto to make sure they were okay after the van attack. They're upset but fine.

France and his boss left 2 days ago.... or was it yesterday? But France only talked to me about politics while here.

He didn't taunt me or anything..... Weird.

But I saw the look in his eyes. For some reason he kept looking at my arms.

I was wearing long sleeves the whole time.

Does he know?

Please no.....


I called North again and he finally picked up. I'm glad that him and his brother are trying to reach peace.

But he could be faking and we all do need to keep that in mind.

I told him congrats and he reluctantly said thank you.

Maybe this means he gets to see his family more. I know he doesn't see him often.

At the moment, Germany and his boss is over. He and I don't really talk since I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me. The only time we actually talked was during the Cold War.

But I'm proud of him, he's come a long way and earned respect again.

Well bye, I have to go puke, we just finished dinner with Germany and his boss.


I really have to update Starting New.

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