April 18th, 2018

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I feel really bad for Puerto Rico. He's over there in the dark.... again.

Cheeto barely even bothered helping his people out after the hurricane.

I want to call him but can't. Since, you know. The power's out. I'll try maybe in 5 hours. But seriously, it's hot over there, I hope the power comes back soon so they can get some Air Conditioning.

I wonder how North Korea feels about my boss meeting with his soon. I don't talk to him really.

Maybe I should.

Or maybe that's sudical.


The meeting ended yesterday. It was in Vancouver so Mattie wanted all of us to stay over.

I said no.

I can't- I just can't stay after I pushed them away.

I want to be with them but after what I did......

I don't even know.

What do I do?


Is this story progressing to slow? Be honest guys.

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