February 3rd, 2018

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What if they do care?

America sat quietly as Germany tried to get the meeting under control.

I already told you Al, they don't.

I know, I know, but still.... They just won't leave me alone. They're even staying in D.C. with me.

They're trying to gain your trust. When they do that, they'll stab you in the back. Trust no one. You're the superpower, everyone's out to get you.

Yeah..... I guess you're right.

"Al?" Canada asked, "You okay?"

America looked at him, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You been staring into nothing for awhile."


No, I've just been trying to decide if you'll betray me.

They will.

Trust me.

I know.

Alfred sighed and just laid his head on the table.

No other nation but his family had spoke to him and he hoped to keep it that way.

He looked over to see Brazil talking with Portugal. The older nation, ruffled his son's hair.

America sighed and turned away, he wished that he was Brazil sometimes.

He and Portugal were so close that Brazil could actually be defined as a 'Daddy's Boy.'

At first, Brazil tried keeping away from his father, when he was first colonized. But after a thunderstorm, one night. The two got closer.

Alfred sighed again, England never bothered to comfort him during a storm. Probably because he never was around.

"I'm sorry America," A voice said, "Are we boring you?"

Alfred closed his eyes and sighed. He didn't answer England.

"Leave him alone, Dad," Another voice said.

America recognized the voice as his Caribbean sister, Grenada.

England huffed but turned away from America.

Said nation silently thanked his sister.

Maybe people do care.

No, no, Al. Don't trust!! They're lying to you.

"America," Germany said, "What do you have to say about the issue?"

He opened his mouth to speak.

"He wasn't even listening!!" France called out, "Why would you call on him?"

"Actually I was," Alfred quietly said.

"Please..... the next thing that comes out of your mouth will propably be about your uncultured burgers."

"Fuck off France," Canada said, "Go on Al."

America looked a bit surprised but said what he needed to while ignoring  the insults.

I think-

No!! They don't care.


Don't. Trust me....

I know.

America looked at his family...... Maybe John was wron-

Think about 1812, Mexican-American!! Your own brother gave you heartburn.

America thought about it again.

Maybe John was right.

He didn't know for sure but just to be safe.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

I told you Al, trust me.

I know.


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