August 13th, 2018

996 47 6

I know more about the dream now.

So Mama (Belgium) and Papai (Portugal) were both in the dream too. So Mattie and D were both right.

And all of our parents were there.. I think Mama (Native America) was talking to them. But I can't exactly remember what she was saying.

No actually....... She was talking to them. 

Since Bel called Mar and told her that last week, she had a dream where a woman dressed in tribal clothes, who looked like us, was talking to her. But she doesn't remember what she was saying.

So Mama (Native America) was trying to give us a message I guess. Mattie's gonna call Portugal and I'm gonna call Finland to see if they had the same dream.

If so many of us had the same dream, than I guess Mama was telling us something important.


 Any ideas on what Native America was telling her kids? Or Belgium?

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