July 6th, 2018

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The weirdest thing happened earlier today.

Spain called Mattie and wanted to talk to the both of us.

I was pretty scared to talk to him and really didn't want to. Mattie didn't even force me to talk to him. But apparently Spain really wanted to speak to both of us.

Like really badly.

So my heart started to pace but Mattie really is the best big bro. He calmed me down and said the second I was feeling uncomfortable with Spain to tell him and he would hang up.

Whether Spain liked it or not.

So he put the phone on speaker for us to both talk and that's when it happened.

Spain wished both of us a happy late birthday. 

Mattie and I both had to look at each other. I mean, doesn't he hate me? Why would he wish me a happy birthday? And none of us are really close with Spain.... not anymore. We awkwardly said thank you.

It would have been rude if we hadn't.

He than said he sent us some piñatas of our flag for our birthdays. It was so weird......  What is he up too? 


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