July 22th, 2018 Pt 2

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Belgium called, she asked if we were okay.

Apparently Spain had told her what he did and she wanted to check up on us.

It was really sweet. She's really nice, you know? She treated my hand back in Brazil. And kept up from England, France and Spain.

She said she was sorry for not knowing about how Spain was treating us. She really felt bad about it.

It wasn't her fault.

Venezuela said Maria and Diego weren't really paying attention to the movie and had gone up to their rooms  together in the first 30 minutes of it.

She said they were a bit upset that Mattie and I didn't come down to watch it. They wanted to be with us.

It's times like these, where I feel like I failed them.

I'm putting my emotions in the way, when I should be focusing on them.

Even Mattie agreed.

I don't even know what to do about Spain, France, or England.

Let's not talk about them right now.

I don't even think I can think straight right now.

I'm gonna check on the Mexs. They've been pretty quiet. When they came down to dinner, they barely ate and just sat there talking to each other.

They're trying to block it out. Is that even healthy?

Belgium said to call her if we needed anything, just like Portugal said. I hope that counts for when I need someone to talk to.


So stuff is going on with Belgium too. She'll be coming in more now.
A few of you may be able to guess why.

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