Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017

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Things haven't gotten better. We had another meeting today. Iggy ended up fighting with Kermit the Frog again. As always, I was in the middle.  I can still hear their insults, jumbled around in my head, stuck there forever.

"You idiot!! We could have ended it right then and there!!"

"Oui, Angleterre is right. Had you not have been so lazy, this would no longer be a problem."

"America!! You fat, worthless excuse of a nation!!" 

And it hurts. It really hurts to have who you think as friends, even family, shouting  every volume of existing profanity at you for a problem you can't solve. Yes, I know my government needs work. I know my schools are teaching next to nothing. But everytime I bring it up at a meeting, my bosses brush me off saying, 'We'll take care of it.' I know they're lying through their teeth. I've tried to tell this to England and France before, but they never listen. They always slience me with their shouting.

Eventually, I just learned how to shut down and take it. Hunker down in my chair and block them out. It all just becomes a dull hum in the back of my head. I stare straight ahead, unblinking. I space out and Germany's instructions go in one ear and out the other.

I ended up crying myself to sleep again, two nights in a row. I don't get to sleep until about three. As I fall into the crushing embrace of sleep, I begin  wondering. Is it worth it?


Okay so, like I said before, this chapter and the next three all belong to The-Schuyler-Sisters I'm gonna try to put the rest of their chaps up along with one of mine. But I'm very busy today so that might not all get done.

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