January 6th, 2018. Part 2

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Alfred started walking down the path after he left the house. He actually felt peace as the nice breeze blew by.

He didn't actually want to take a walk, but just wanted too go down to a store.

It was weird.... they just let him out the house like that?

He stopped and looked around.

Nobody was behind him.


When they noticed Alfred stop, Canada, Argentina, and Chile immediately dived into bushes.

They hoped he didn't think he was being followed. They followed Alfred to a convinent store and silently slipped inside.

America looked around the store before turning to the cashier, "Excuse me, where do you keep your razors?"

He didn't know it, but a few aisles back, his cousins and brother all sighed.


America out the store and started walking back to the house.

"Alfred!!" He heard a voice yell out.

He turned around and saw Canada running towards him, "Mattie, what are you doing here?"

Chile and Argentina ran over to the  two.

"I'm sorry primo (cousin)," Argentina said, reaching out his hand, "But we can't let you have those."

"You followed me?"

"It's for your own good Al," Canada said reaching out for the razors.

"Just give us the razors, let us help you," Chile said.

America looked at the three and started to shake, "Leave me alone.... you don't care."

"Alfred.." His brother stepped closer to him.

They had seriously hoped that this trip would have helped America.

And for some time, they actually thought it had.

Too bad it didn't.


After finally handing the razors over, the four walked back to the house.

When America walked in, he noticed everyone staring at him.

"Do me a favor and leave me alone," He said coldly.

He walked to his room and stayed there the rest of the day.

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