April 23rd, 2018

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The states, cities, and territories agreed to come over two days ago. They're here right now.

So I called up North Korea yesterday.

As soon as he recognized my voice, he hung up.....

Yeah, I really did see that coming.

So I called again today.... And he actually picked up but he must have forgot my number since when I started to talk, he told me to piss off.

I mean, since there's a chance of our countries becoming closer I wanted to try do the same personally.

But I don't blame him for not wanting to talk.

Not that many people like me.
I don't like me.

Anyway, France and his boss are over now for a state visit.

That's great......

Tomorrow it's just gonna be the two of us discussing trade.
Honestly, France has made it clear that he most likely never liked me.

Hopefully I'll get through tomorrow.


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