December 29th, 2017

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I'm really not looking forward to this European Meeting tomorrow. All of them hate me and I really don't want to face off with Iggy or Francis again. I'm leaving for it soon.

Mattie and the others won't leave. I don't know why but they won't. And it seems like they're always talking about something behind my back. I don't know why they seem so worried.

I know it's not real.

It can't be.

While I was talking to Venezuela, my sleeve went down and I saw her stare at my arm before I pulled it back up.

Hopefully she didn't see anything.

Spain called to tell me that the meeting would be at his place. I can hear the bitterness in his voice when he talked.

Nothing like when he talks to others.

It's only me.

Maybe he's still mad over the Spanish  American War.

Oh well, for my New Year resolution, I'll try to be less annoying.

Maybe, people will start to like me if I can do that.

Hawaii and Honolulu want us all to go to their state for the New Year and hang out at the beach.

The others are agreed and I couldn't tell them no since they're only 6 and 5.
So we're going, I don't know how long.

But this means they'll see my scars.


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