July 29th, 2018 Pt. 2

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The nations of the world started to pile out the meeting room. It had been 3 hours, now everyone was either off to other meetings or going to explore. Or whatever.

England rushed so he would be able to catch up to a certain nation. "Maria wait!!"

Outside of the meeting room, Maria heard him but kept walking. What did he want? Hadn't he done enough to her and her family?

"Mar, what is he calling you for?" Canada asked.

"I honestly don't know and don't care."

"North and South America, wait!!"

This time both Americas stopped, what did he want?

"Look guys, go on and I'll ask him what is it," Ecaudor said.

"I'm not leaving you here alone with him," Paraguay said, he stood by him.

"Well I'm staying too," Chile said as he, Argentina, Peru and Brazil stopped. 

"I'm not leaving you all with him, you'll kill him," Venezuela said.

"Uh guys...." Colombia said, "You're all gonna talk with him?"

"Yep," Peru said, "After all the shit he's caused us. We need a talk."

Colombia was about to respond but couldn't when England finally caught up with them.

"Thank you for waiting," He panted, it had been such a hassle getting to them. But before anyone could say anything else, he turned to Maria. "May I speak with you?"

"No," Argentina answered for her. "You speak with all of us."

England frowned, "Than may I speak with North America?"

"Hell to the no," Venezuela frowned. "Why the fuck do you think we would let you do that?"

"They have their own mouths,  they can answer for themselves."  

None of North America were making eye contact with him at all.  Canada was looking down, America was in Venezuela's arms and she was purposely blocking his view of England, Diego and Maria were both just looking around.

"You're right, they can," Philippines came up and glared at England, "But they don't want to answer to you."

"Philippines, please be a dear and mind your own busin-"

"It is my business when my older siblings are being harassed by someone they clearly don't want to talk to."

England glared at her, "I-"

"I agree to that and I have to say, I don't think Portugal or Belgium would appreciate their kids being harassed, " A new voice stepped up. 

El Salvador.

They all stared at them. England was in shock. Belgium? 

He knew about Portugal but Belgium, but he did suspect something. Every time he or Spain or France had tried to sit next to America or Canada at the last meeting, she would sit next to one of them.

And then, she started to distracted him and France every time they tried to talk to their sons.

And that happened today with her and Portugal.

"They're right, you know," Someone said.

He just couldn't catch a break today, could he?

"We don't appreciate anyone bothering our children," Belgium finished as Portugal, who was right by her, nodded. His arms were crossed as he glared at England.

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