June 22th, 2018

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Canada opened his bedroom door. He was met with a broken looking America and immediately hugged his little brother tightly. 

"Is it bad that I wish it went the other way?" Alfred whimpered.

Canada knew what he was talking about, he was asking if it was bad to wish the Nordics colonized them. It hurt to see him like this. He looked like he didn't get an once of sleep at all last night.

"No Alfie, it's not," He whispered, he kissed his brother's forehead, "It's not...... You know, maybe it's not true. Maybe Norway confused us for some other children back than."

America nodded but started to shake in his arms, He didn't know what to believe in anymore. "Do you think South might be able to tell us something?"

"Tell you what?" A voice from the door said, both turned to see Ecuador and Brazil. As soon as the two turned, their cousins became concerned.

"What happened?" They both asked.

"When did you get here?" Canada asked, how did he not know that those two were standing there?

"I just came to tell you that Germany called and said the NATO meeting had to be rescheduled since something happened yesterday," He said slowly. He noticed Alfred tense up.

"I was just passing through," Ecuador said. He looked at the twins and than looked at Alfred's hand that look a little bruised, "Maska, did you punch the wall?"

Alfred just buried his face in his brother's chest and nodded.

"Did something happen at the meeting?" Brazil asked.

Canada sighed, "When will it be rescheduled?"

"For Sunday. I don't want to schedule a meeting on Saturday (Today's Friday)."

Both twins sighed and nodded.

"Guys, what happened?" Ecuador asked seriously.

It was obvious that their cousins weren't gonna let them go. And to Canada, it was also obvious that America wasn't gonna speak. 

"Get the others' but not the Mexs," He sighed, the two nodded and left. Canada grabbed Alfred's hand and walked back to his bed. He sat and pulled a tired America onto the bed with him. Alfred laid his head on his brother's chest again and looked up at him silently.   

Canada knew what he was asking, "It's best we understand the situation first before telling them." He and Alfred were now questioning their colonization lives and childhood. They wanted to forget what happened yesterday, it was keeping them up at night.

Killing them inside.

It hurt so much, what were they to their colonizers? Even though they had disowned the men long ago. It still think they never cared about them and it hurt to think they probably had done something to them to make them forget their family................ the family may have had.

He couldn't bear to put Mexico through that.

"Do you think they knew the Mexs too...... if they actually knew us back then?" Alfred asked, finally speaking.

Canada nodded, "They had too, the four of us stuck together after everyone faded."

The sound of footsteps made them look at the door as their cousins gathered in the small room. 

"What happened?" Venezuela asked concerned at the state of her cousins. She went to next to Canada.

"Okay," Matthew took a deep breath, closing his eyes, "Was there...... I mean is there.... No..... Okay..... do you guys remember us knowing about the Nordics when we were children back in the native days? Like, were they on our land? Did we meet them?"

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