August 5th, 2018

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It was the last day of the meeting week. 

Many eastern countries such as European, African, and Asian countries, were starting to leave now due to the extremely long trip back to their countries.

The western side of the world and any  and eastern countries, weren't leaving, were gonna stay over til tomorrow. The Caribbean nations wanted one last party. A farewell party.

Most of the European nations were leaving together. Including the Nordics, so yeah Finland was hugging his children tightly.

"Uh.... Finland," Iceland said, "Maria needs air to breathe too, you know."

Finland had his little princess in a tight hug. He didn't want to let go. It had been one of the best weeks in his life, his children had finally reunited with him after so long. He never wanted this week to end. "Just one more minute."

"It's been three minutes," Canada said.

Luckily, his hug had been 2 minutes. It would have gone on longer if Sweden didn't pull him out. The same went for America and Diego but Argentina and Denmark pulled them out.

"Okay Finland," Portugal said, "I rather not have my baby girl
faint from lack of oxygen." He gently pried Maria from Finland's arms.

As soon as she was free, Maria started taking deep breaths. 

"We have to get going soon guys," Romania called out to Norway.

Finland looked sadder at that but nodded.

Canada looked at him, "Don't worry Aiti, you'll actually see us again."

The Nordics all smiled, they knew that for a fact.

Denmark ruffled all of his younger brothers' hair and walked about to do the same to Maria until she slapped his hand away.

Portugal laughed and looked at his kids. They looked better now than they had in the past few months. He hoped things would stay that way. "Take care of each other."

"We always do old man,"Brazil joked.

He suddenly hid behind Colombia when Portugal was about to give him a knock over the head.

Belgium rolled her eyes and hit Portugal but smiled. She looked at North and South, "I'll be calling to check up on you all. And if anyone wants to cause any trouble with any of you all," She had a look in her eye, "Just give me a call."

They nodded and before anyone else could say anything. A certain nation call America's name.


Everyone turned and saw said nation walking towards them. They also saw England's brothers and France watching him a little distance away.

Basically everyone took a step in front of North America.

"What is it?" Portugal asked suspiciously.

England didn't even care that Portugal answered. He looked at America, well from what he could see from him, and looked down. "I-I......I couldn't
leave without doing this...." He took out his wand and looked at Alfred again, "I want to return the rest of your memories to you."

Everyone looked shocked.

Alfred slightly stepped up but still stayed somewhat of a distance away, "Really?"

England looked back down and nodded, "Yes. It's not right of me to keep it. It wasn't even right of me to take them in the first place."

He held his wand up and pointed it at America's forehead. "Since you have most of them back, you shouldn't faint after gaining these back." He started to chant something and Alfred's head started to glow.

America felt a headache start up, but thankfully it wasn't as bad as last time.

He started seeing everything.

The time they met the Nordics, when they got their Norse names, when they started getting accepted into their Nordic family more and more. When the Nordics left.

When they were kidnapped.

After awhile, the glowing stopped. America held onto Canada and Suriname for support as the headache went on.

He managed to look at England, "Thank you Britain," England gave a nod.

Alfred was no longer his... It hurt to think that.

He looked at Portugal. The two men just stared at each other. England swallowed and just nodded at him.

You win.

Portugal nodded back. He knew what England had meant with that nod.

And he wants glad his former friend could see that he was wrong and had messed up badly.

England looked like he was about to say something to North America before shaking his head and turning back. He walked back to France and his brothers.

Finland hugged America. Finally, all his children had their memories back.

"He really has realized everything he's  done," Venezuela said.

Portugal nodded, "Took him awhile but yeah."

Maria smiled and hugged him, "Thank you Papai, we all know you had a major roll to play in them finally realizing everything and getting us to this point."

Portugal hugged her back and kissed her cheek, "Things had to be made right, Amada. And no one messes with my children."

After a few more words, the Americas said goodbye to their parents and uncles and North America's brothers. And watched them leave.

They all turned back and started walking to the North/Central/South American/Caribbean floor.

"It's time to close this week and everything that happened for the past months with a party!!" Brazil cheered.

He took off his shirt and started running to the elevator with his family right behind them.

And they all had true smiles on their faces.


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