January, 31st 2018

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I haven't been talking to the others since I been back.

Why can't they just mind their business?


January is almost over.

Wow, time really does fly when you think about it.

Sadly, the world meeting is on Saturday.

It's gonna be here.

As in, in America.

The United States.

My country.


It's gonna be in Seattle this time.

This time, I don't want to talk to anyone at all. I know I may have to since I'm the host but last time I talked to someone at a meeting.

I thought they cared.....

He didn't and joined in the insults.

I have alot of other siblings from England and France. I haven't talked to them in awhile...

But do they even care?

They usually just sit and watch as people go after me.

There has to be something I did for so many people to hate me..

What did we do to England, France, and Spain, for them to leave us?

We just..... just wanted them there....

Even if was just for a week.

What did I do to become the most hated nation in the world?

Whatever I did...... I'd take all back.

Will I ever be good enough?

Is there anyway, I'll ever be good enough?

No, don't cry...

I can't cry...

Superpowers don't cry- they can't cry.

I'm suppose to be the leader of the free world.

I just need to hold it all in.

And than I'll be alright.......

Just keep it all in.

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