Chapter Twenty-Six

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After almost a week, I was finally starting to feel numb to the pain. I still missed him terribly, but it was more bearable now. I could think about him without wanting to cry. I haven't seen him since he left my apartment and I don't think I could handle it if I did. I needed some time apart from him to get a hold of my emotions. It was hard enough stumbling through each day as I worked through my depression from losing him. I had hoped that one day we could be together, that we could love each other freely, but he tossed me into Isaac's arms and demanded I love him instead.

Isaac had stayed by my side, helping me through it. He called out of work the entire week against my wishes and I loved him for that. He truly did care for me and I was grateful for the distraction he provided me. Each day I'd allow myself to feel for Alexander but only for a little while before I locked it away in my mind. I couldn't keep doing this to myself, I had to move on, we both did no matter how much it hurt.

As far as I was aware, Maria had begun to slowly move her belongings out of the house. It pained me to think Alexander laid alone in bed every night without someone to love him. I'd be there, if he allowed me. Even after breaking my heart into a hundred pieces, I'd allow him to mend it back together. It scared me that he still had so much power over me. He could have me in a heartbeat and there would be nothing anyone could do to stop him.

I had used up all my sick time at work, so I had to force myself out of bed this morning, despite my mental protest. I just wanted to lay in bed and try to forget him, try to forget how happy he made me feel, how loved I felt. I stepped out of the shower onto the cold tiled floor and reached for my phone. I still haven't called Naomi back and I felt terrible about it. I just didn't have the strength to think about it anymore, let alone talk to her about it. I'd force myself to move on with my life with Isaac and love Alexander from afar.

I could learn to love Isaac again, I just needed to try. I set my phone back down against the porcelain sink before grabbing my makeup bag from the cabinet. I looked dead, my eyes had dark circles underneath and my face was pale. I tried my best to conceal the blemishes with foundation, but it didn't help much, I still looked as horrible as I felt inside.

Once I decided this was as good as it would get, I walked into my closet and grabbed a black pencil skirt with a light pink silk blouse. I dressed myself quickly, already running late before heading back into the bathroom. I didn't have enough time to blow dry my hair, so I put it into a neat sock bun and went on about my day.

I grabbed my car keys and purse from the counter on my way out. It was still cold out and I took a few minutes to let my car warm out before pulling out of the parking garage. Traffic was expected considering it was 7:00 a.m. on a Monday morning. Typically, I didn't mind the commute but today I wasn't in the mood. After almost an hour of weaving in and out of traffic, I finally pulled up to the high-rise concrete building that I called my job. I worked under Sarah McDonald, one of the best lawyers in NYC. I was her secretary and she made me earn every penny, but I didn't mind the work load. At this point in my life, I would gladly accept the distraction. I parked my car and entered the building through the revolving doors. I smiled at security as I bagged through the wooden doubled doors leading towards my desk.

I set my white chocolate iced coffee to the side as I turned on my computer. While waiting for it to boot up, I tried my best to sort through the never-ending paperwork Sarah has thrown on my desk. I worked feverishly through the day, adding meetings to Sarah's calendar, replying to unanswered emails, and organizing case files. I worked several hours past the time I was supposed to leave, making sure I caught up on everything I've missed before clocking out for the day.

The sun has set by the time I make it back to my car. I couldn't wait to get home and get some sleep, I was exhausted. Lights whirled past my vision as I drove through the city and the radio played quietly in the back ground. I slammed on my breaks as a couple tried to run across the street. I stopped just in time before I crushed them under my Toyota Camry. Horns sounded loudly at them as they ran safety to the side walk.

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