》Chapter Eighty-Four

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 Edited by: _rose

Jade's POV.

I don't' scream. I don't have it in me, perhaps there's nothing left to scare me, I don't know. I just take the body and roll it on the other side so that the very familiar face is in front of mine like it's just a doll that fell from a shell.

My heart starts skipping a beat as I process what is going on, I'm shaking like an earthquake when I fish the phone in my pocket and dail the only number I know it's safe to call.


"Jade? Are you alright?"

"I'm at the huts, please come."

"Jade," Harry irrupts before I can press the red bottom and I hang on. "Stay at the phone with me. What is it?"

I want to tell him, but the words don't come out. I feel like I'm being taken under the sea by a vicious monster who doesn't want to let me go and it's eating me piece by piece until there will be nothing left of me.

"Is somebody there with you?" He inquires. How practical can he be with his voice on the verge of panic? I admire this side of Harry, the caring part of him that takes over when something is wrong. It makes him keeping his cool while everything is crumbling down.

"No. I mean, yes." I tell him and he takes a deep breath. I hear his car keys clink and I try to focus on something. I don't have the courage to get near I'm too scared of what will happen after.

"Whatever happens Jade, if you need, there's a sharp knife in the first drawer under the TV. It's beneath my shirts." I can't move otherwise I'd probably grab it.

"Are they holding you against your will? Are you hurt?" I'd like to tell him: No, I'm untouched but my heart hurts more than every wound I've ever received so I can't really answer properly.

"Please, just hurry." I hear the door clicking and I turn around hoping to see Harry walking inside and solving everything, but it's not Harry and I immediately stand up.

I lower the phone and rush to hide it not wanting for the visitor to know who I was talking to.

"Jade?" I blink and take a step back. I'm not very fast in my reflexes, but something is off in this situation and I sense the voice inside my head yelling like a very cornered cat.

"What are you doing here?" He inquires and I stare into his charcoal eyes directly, not afraid.

"I could ask you the same question, don't you think?" I spit fisting my phone and aiming for the drawer Harry pointed out.

"I came because of the tracker on your phone. You were out of your working range or so your mother says." Milton states and I relax my shoulders a little bit.

"Really?" I ask hoping he is saying the truth and as he nods, I definitely let go of my alert state and point to the boy laid on the ground. "Can you help him? I found him like this." I explain kneeling next to the body that looks so lifeless.

"Who did this to Louis? What did they do to him?" I'm totally out of myself, I feel feverish and can't stand still yet I can't find the courage to touch him. I'm too scared he'll be cold as ice if I do and I can't take it.

"Probably the same people who are waiting for you to give them the documents you found."

It takes me a moment to process and the old Jade comes crawling through my stomach and back inside my sleepy brain. Milton closes the door behind him and comes to my side, pressing two fingers on Louis' neck then he lowers his head so that his ear is close to Louis lips.

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