》Chapter Fourteen.

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Edited by: _Rose

I deal Louis' number and press the phone to my ear while I keep running.

I stumble into the kitchen and watch as Missus Alice turns towards me shocked, her always composed expression is now leaving place to an astonished, half disgusted frown.

''Jade!'' She booms causing me to straighten up immediately.

'' Missus Alice.'' I take a step back and she cringes her nose to my negligence. '' I need to know where Louis is, please.''

'' Why would you need the help of Mr. Styles' chauffeur? What's the matter with the lad?'' She looks at me, confused.

'' I will explain everything, Missus Alice. I swear on the thing I care the most that I will, but please I need to see Louis, NOW!''

'' How dare you!'' She is fuming with rage, her already huge body seems ten times larger so I retract, trying to not pissing her off even more. She takes a long breath ready to give me one of her lessons I'm sure but nothing comes so I reluctantly fix my gaze back on Missus Alice. She's now calmed, her blank expression is back and she just seems, surprised?

'' Miss Alice'' the so familiar voice speaks from behind me and in a second, I smell his cologne invading my space. A sense of calm washes over me and my shoulders uncontrollably relax. ''Would you be so kind to tell me where the chauffeur is? I sent Jade to ask for him, however I'm afraid I have frightened her so much that she hasn't explained herself clearly.'' I turn and watch as Harry stands next to me, so tall and magnificent with his white bottom-down shirt and his dark expensive pants. He looks like he just came out of a painting and it strikes me, hard.

'' Oh, sure Mr. Harry. He was in the garage fixing Mr. Styles' car, I believe. He was complaining about it just this morning.'' Harry sweetly nods and with his long legs, he heads towards the door. I try to follow him but Missus Alice stops me and I almost sigh in discomfort.

'' Jade, you have work to do, I recall.''

'' Oh and I'd need Jade too, Missus Alice.'' Harry bites his lower lip, he looks like a model getting ready for a new photo shoot. He doesn't even try which annoys me to death.

'' She's friend with the guy, I believe she can persuade him to do something for me.''

Harry winks to Missus Alice, however she glues her eyes on me, scrutinizing me from head to toe. She then decides we're not up to anything suspicious and gestures me to go on and follow Harry. I lower my head in a quick 'thank you' and rush to reunite with Harry who has already disappeared. I catch up with his long strides and surpass him. Harry is jogging behind me by the time I reach the back of the house.

You know when you are so connected to a person you feel everything even if you are miles away? You know what happens when this person gets hurt? You feel this cold shiver raising up from the back of your spine that takes over you inch by inch till you're paralysed and can't feel anything but emptiness.

'' Lou?'' My voice is so frightened I barely hear it myself, I don't know how Louis will manage to, honestly.

'' Jade, on this side!'' Harry shouts and I hurry.

Louis is safe, is the only thing I can clearly see. His head snaps to my direction, his blue eyes half covered from his hair while he stays still with his legs folded under his butt. He looks okay.

'' Lou!'' I let out and Louis, being the show off he is, widely smiles at me, sticking his tongue out to reassure me he's fine. Nevertheless, as my eyes travel up to his body, I spot one of his arms stuck under one of the wheels. I pale and drop to my knees next to him.

'' What happened?''

'' That's not important.'' Harry interrupts us and I narrow my eyes at him. '' We have to take him out of there or his arm could get worse and we would not be able to save it then.'' I agree with Harry and stand, mentally thanking him.

'' We need to lift it up so he can free himself.'' I move next to Harry and grab the bumper, waiting for him to tell me what to do. He folds up the sleeves of his blouse and fixes his hands next to mine. He counts to three and I do my best to use all the strength I have.

Sadly, the car barely moves and Harry frustratedly growls, crawling at my feet pushing upwards. I grit my teeth and exercise more pressure.

'' C'mon, it's moving.'' Louis yells at us trying hard not to let the pain take over.

'' Jade'' Harry speaks with his mouth clenched. '' Stay focused.'' He orders me and I come back to reality.

Harry moves forward and the car lifts, my hands start sweating and I almost lose the grip when Louis slides out.

'' Lou.'' I breathe out as he hugs me, tenderly hiding his face in the crook of my neck. '' You dumbass, I was so scared.''

'' Nah, I could never let anything bad happen to me Ginger. Who would annoy you to death if I get myself killed? I would never give up on my privilege.'' I giggle before bursting out in sobs.

'' It's okay, Jade. I'm fine, I swear.'' I push back and examine the arm carefully.

'' Can you move it?'' Louis tries but the second he tries pain flashes in his eyes, I understand he can't.

'' It's probably broken, we need to take you to the hospital and get it fix.'' I help Louis on his feet and undo my apron to block his arm in a shoulder strap to his chest so he won't move it.

'' What happened?'' I ask, still worried sick.

'' I was fixing the breaks because they were making a weird noise, when the jack abruptly bent and the car fell on my arm. Lucky me that I wasn't under there or you would have more than just a broken arm to worry about.'' I snort to his light way of telling the story, as if he wasn't about to end up dead.

'' You're just-''

'' Do you need a ride to the hospital?'' Harry offers. I almost forgot about him.

I want to say yes, I truly want to, but the picture of Louis arm is still fresh in my mind and I don't want to push my luck any longer. I don't want to risk Harry's life too. I need to understand who this stalker is and what does he wants from me. Till then, I'm afraid me and Harry's road parts here and now.

'' Thanks for your help, but Jade can take it from now.'' Louis harshly growls at him and I look at Louis with a hint of warning.

Harry's head drops the second I don't add anything to correct my best friend so he just strolls away. I feel so sad watching him walking away, looking so small, so lonely.

He helped me without me even asking for it; I wish I could tell him how thankful I am for what he did, however the fear of putting his life in danger stops me. It's better this way, it's better for Harry to stay away from any kind of trouble.

Me and Louis get to the hospital and I sit in the waiting room, still thinking about Harry's disappointed look when my phone goes off.

I look at it without thinking, I can't care about anything at the very moment.

Unknown: I see you are a good pawn, but looks like our knight needs to be reminded where his place is.

Why does he speak with these stupid riddles? He makes me feel so stupid and out of my element, I never even played chess.

I let my head fall in between my hands and sigh in frustration. I'm so tired and the day isn't even over yet.

I stare into nothing for what looks like hours when I spot expensive boots making their way towards me and I panic, totally understanding the message now.

I meet his green eyes; he doesn't meet mine. He doesn't say anything. He just sits next to me and leans into his seat with his arms crossed behind his head.

This is not going to end up well.

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