》 Chapter Fourty-Six

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Edited by: _rose

I'm eager to know what is 'Edward' doing here so the next day, always at lunch, I start questioning Finnon about it, trying to look as casual as I can.

" Which courses does he follow?" I try to question not looking at him, but when I realize my companion is still silent , i find him deep in thought with his arms crossed, studying me carefully.

'' I might be wrong, darlin'. But I'm half convinced that those sparks between you two weren't all that casual and random as you so strongly assume." I clumsily attempt to justify myself but Finnon stops me before I can even start.

" I'm not sure what he studies, he never actually told me. I met him  like two years ago maybe, he was a loner just like you and I decided to save him from his desperation. You should have seen him, he looked all gloomy and sad, a pity for my eyes. He doesn't talk much about himself, the only things I got out of him are his name and the year he's in. I  would think he has something to do with the law faculty from the way he talks, but I don't believe that is what he does study here." I open my water bottle and drink half of it, letting my mind wondering about Harry once again. But the curly head studying law? Can't picture it either.

'' Well I'm sure he doesn't talk much because he doesn't have many opinions." I joke but Finnon shakes his head and bites his carrot with contrariety.

'' You couldn't be more far from the truth, darlin'. That Edward boy is smart." Finnon is careful to emphasize his last sentence by pointing his fork in my direction before going on:  " He might not like talking about his private life, but I still have to find something he doesn't have a say on. I'm trying hard, believe me." Actually Harry and i haven't had the chance to really talk about serious arguments, so my joke was out of place. I adore Harry and probably i'm just mad for the way he treated me. It's like we went straight back to that time at the party where he pretended he didn't know me. So frustrating and so damn painful.

Tons of questions float inside my mind: why is he here? Is he okay? And the most important one, why the false name? Is he afraid of being recognized?

'' You like him?'' Finnon blurts out and I flush with embarrassment at the question.

'' Dear God, what made you think that?'' I defend myself fiercely, only later noticing that I haven't denied it at all. I just diverted the attention, typical of me.

'' The fact that you are as red as my Coke can." He raises it in a toast attempt and I move his hand away, not knowing how to contradict him because it is true, I still like him. Even if i have been dragged to the side by the gorgeous devil he sleeps with. Her ghost will be the death of me, I still feel her paws on my shoulder pushing me constantly to the side while she steps in front of me with that damn red dress that makes me feel so out of place everywhere.

'' I'd like to see Edward take an interest in somebody. He's always with his head on his books it would be interesting seeing him being...."

'' Human?'' I finish for him and he nods slowly.

'' Exactly." The bell rings and we head to different quarters for our classes.


It takes a week for me and Harry to eventually meet again. I'm going to the old wing of the college, walking through the little path with trees that leads to the biggest library  andwhen I finally get there, I stumble into Harry sited in the last section with a book spread on his crossed legs.

'' Watch where you're going!'' He coldly blurts out, before realizing who he was talking to. His green eyes become dark as he snorts and stands on his feet, not bothering to fix his blouse as he bolts towars the exit.

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