》Chapter Sixty-Three

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Edited by: _rose

Harry's Pov.

This place is foggy, as if the sun never peeks. The red door right in front of us is bleached and deteriorated by the hands of time. I haven't been in this place since forever and I'm not very proud of that part of my life, where everything was falling apart and all I could think of was Karen.

"Am I the only one who's starving?" Finn is always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I don't know why he does that, but he always succeeds into making me even more cranky.

" Is really food the only thing on your mind, at the moment?"

Louis on the other end, doesn't speak much but when he does, sharp knives fly in the room. His saltiness is just a show to cover up how  worried he is. I can tell by the way he bites down famished his bottom lip.

" I haven't eaten the whole day. I wonder how you two even stand, since neither of you has slept."

" I have bigger worries at the moment, Finnish." Finn is about to fire back and correct Louis, but I shake my head. The last thing we need, is the two of them fighting.

I knock a couple of times, it's getting darker as the sun sets and everybody finds a shelter to go hide into. I, on the other hand, have no place I can go where the thought of Jade wouldn't reach me. She's constantly there, like an angel whispering in my ears, telling me to keep going.

The door swings open and a redhead man with a black sweater stares upon us in his very threatening boots.

I hear Finnon gulping very loudly and unconscionably taking a step back from the danger right infront of him. I want to really laugh at him for being scared of almost everything, nevertheless I remember he got kidnapped and that is just a normal response to what happened.

" Hi Gus, do you remember me?" It takes him a good three minutes before I'm squeezed in a bear hug and carried inside his loft.

" Ed, my friend!" I'm greeted with a masculine pad on my back that I'm sure left some mark on me and forcefully smile as the other two follow us into the tiny living room, smartly in silence.

" How have you been? It's been years! Did you get into music school? I'm sure you did."

" Listen Gus. I don't have time for chitty chat, forgive me." Finnon gasps at my words as to say: You crazy, don't interrupt the chitty chat, nobody was getting hurt. I ignore him and focus again on him. "We need help to find someone."

" Oh, in that case. Have a sit, I'll get my notebook."

You wouldn't believe your own eyes, if you'd see a 7 ft man wearing lady glasses with an eyewear chain of red pearls going all around his  neck, sitting on the table as he transcribes everything I say. I can't laugh, so I just dig my nails into my palms, hard.

" So.. how you did find her back in the day?" I ask  as he types really slowly on the laptop.

" It was easier when I didn't have to see this." He explains referring to the exasperate and hurried look I keep giving him.

" What can you tell me?"

" Nothing that hasn't been said, really." He takes off his glasses and turns the screen towards me. "As you can see, she has disappeared from the radar. No credit card use, no phone calls." I growl and massage my temples.

"There has to be something. She can't be that good at eloping." Gus large hands cross together as he stares deeply into my eyes.

" Ed, last time was different. I could track her down but she got help and every time I got closer to get her, she'd move. This time it looks like she's dead. When they disappear from the radar, it's never a good thing."

" I need to find her, Gus. She's involved in the kidnapping of a girl I really care about. I need to find her, okay? Name a number and I'll pay it to you." His fingers tap at the wooden table, his thick brows are knitted for the intense thinking as the time passes and Jade gets closer and closer to a catastrophe.

" Why are you sure she's the one who kidnapped your girlfriend?"

" She's not his girlfriend-"

"Among all the times you could choose to comment, you pick this one to be a pain in the fucking ass?" Finnon jumps in  and I'm grateful he cut it off before it was too late.

"She wants to win me back. Jade started getting weird texts when she started working at my father's place then she got assaulted, Louis got injured, Finnon got kidnapped and almost drowned in the same place I used to go with Karen when we were kids. We were the only ones going there. I don't know if she did it all on her own, but she surely as hell has something to do with this."

" I don't know man. Why kidnapping this kid? He has nothing to do with you."

" We are friends." I explain, getting a surprised glare from Finn as he pretends to touch his chest in complete surprise.

" Then why the other kiddo? No, there's something missing. That Karen girl, she likes fancy stuff, she is not the kind who ties people and throws them into a lake to drown. I think you are being too self-centred here. If they wanted to hurt you, they would have kidnapped you, not the girl. Whoever is working on this, knows what they are doing, I'm telling you. They're going after your girl, mark my words. She has something they want."

" She's as broke as rotten nail!" Louis has his arms open, as to prove there's no way they would want something from her.

" I don't think it's money. I think it might be something more valuable than that."

" Like what?"

" This is for us to find out, unfortunately."


Jade's Pov.

I take off the blindfold and blink my eyes to get used to the obscurity. I find a faintly light coming from far away, it doesn't show much but it's there and I'm so thankful, I could cry.

Everything looks like a scene from a medieval chamber of torture, the only good thing is that there's no tool and the cages are clean.

Right in front of me, there's another cell and hidden in the corner of it, my nemesis. I can't believe my eyes, her hair is as straight as spaghetti and she's almost completely cleaned up. How in the whole world can she look like this when she got kidnapped?

" Hello, sleeping beauty."

" Karen?" I utter with crazy eyes. " What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I bite my tongue for the last part but don't regret it. Despite everything, I'm still a decent human being.

" I am, thanks for asking little dove. You on the other hand, look like somebody who could use a bathroom..." I grit my teeth and ignore her remark, focusing on my original plan: escaping.

" How long have you been locked up?"

" A while, I don't know. It's not like I can check my phone or something." The saltiness and rudeness in her voice makes me want to open my cage just to choke her. She couldn't be any more helpful could she?

However, all the cockiness goes away the moment we hear steps coming from the far end of the place. They sound like more than one person, so I cling to the bars and wait. For what? 

Oh I have no fucking idea.

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