》Chapter Twenty-Three.

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Edited by: _Rose

I hear Harry growling, then sheets being moved and in a moment, I'm covered up with a heavy duvet. Harry shifts closer, his arm is around my back blocking me next to him while I start opening my eyes. I blink and raise my head timidly, afraid of finding Harry's frown waiting for me. What I see is just so overwhelming, I can't seem to process it. Harry's eyelashes are closed, his face is relaxed and he seems asleep. He's unconsciously holding me to him.

'' Harry?'' I whisper, moving his hair from his cheek. Harry doesn't flinch so I just bite my bottom lip and look around to see if I can understand what time is it. I feel rested and perfectly fine, but this feeling won't last if I don't get to work in time.

'' Harry?'' I call again and shake his shoulder gently. Harry's other arm snaps around my waistline too and I find myself even more trapped into his embrace.

I struggle and push but he only groans in disapproval, burying himself into the pillow.

Harry's long legs stretch over my own to restrains me from moving.

'' Harry, I have to go.'' I whine exasperated and Harry shakes his pretty curls energetically before pressing me completely against him. I feel every part of our bodies connected and my cheeks blush at the intimacy of his contact.

'' No, you must stay with me.'' he mumbles and I stop, staring at his face.

Is he dreaming? It looks like he is.

'' Harry, I'll be late.'' I'm amused by this to be honest, I never thought Harry would ask me to stay.

'' Don't leave me. Karen please, don't go.'' Harry literally cries out and the smile leaves my face.

For a moment my brain goes completely blank and not a single thought crosses its path, then sadness peeks into my heart. I gulp the lamp in my throat, close my eyes to collect myself enough to find the strength of standing up. I throw my feet off from the bed and wear my shoes as fast as I can. I curse for how hard it is for me to just pull my Vans on, my foot is too sticky and it doesn't want to get in.

'' Jade..'' Harry's sleepy voice booms in the silence.

'' Fuck you, Harry!'' I slam the door closed and start running. I don't care. I made a mistake, I can always make it up by not talking to Harry, ever.

It takes me so long to encircle the maze but when I get to the back of the house, I knock on the door, waiting for Missus Alice to open up and take a moment to actually notice that I'm barely dressed. I face palm myself and, shaking my head, I curse and curse. The sadness doesn't go away though.

Missus Alice doesn't make any comment on my clothing, however I clearly catch the disgusted expression all over her face. I go straight to my room and get off Harry's sweater, throwing it into the rubbish and start wearing my work ones. I huff frustrated and hit the tiny bed with my fist, I'm so angry I can't stop gritting my teeth and punching the mattress. I kneel down and bury my face into the soft surface starting to scream as loud as I can to get the pain and the sick sensation of being tricked out of my system. That name is still haunting my head, it's so loud it shuts up everything else and it hurts so much, I have difficulty breathing.

One moment he's all caring and sweet, I actually trust him and leave my body in his hands, the second after he's all mean and calls someone's name while he's still holding me. Who's this Karen? Is she the girl in the pictures Harry is so obsessed about? It has to be; I don't see any other explanation.

If I am right, there's no need to fight or even pretend me and Harry could be something more than just acquaintances. She's too beautiful and he's still madly in love with her. He thinks of her even when he's asleep. He unconsciously searches her touch. He's so into her he doesn't even realize it.

Then why did he protect me at all costs if he had someone else? It does not make any sense.

My door swings open and Louis storms in. He's red and fuming, I guess he didn't like me leaving so early and without him knowing.

'' Jade! Finally! What's this story you left the party without telling me first?'' I prepare myself for the scolding. ''Who were you with? Why did you, even? I'm so pissed, I've been looking for you all night and so was your mother. We didn't know about you...''

'' Oh no,'' I whisper and blink my eyes to process what he just said. '' You told mum! Oh God, my mum?'' I raise my voice, feeling both guilty for making her worry yet also furious at Louis for not covering me up.

'' I had to, she asked me where you were and I couldn't cover you up.'' I snap tugging my hair back.

'' No, no, no. Why did you do it? She must have been worried sick ever since. I was fine, Harry took me home.'' This time was Louis' turn to become furious.

'' First, I didn't know where were you since you didn't care to stop by and tell me. Second, Harry? Oh Jesus, what was Harry even doing at a party like that? Did you call him?'' The doubt is clear in his voice, I just ignore it and roll my eyes. As if this is the most important thing to him, he doesn't even ask if I'm fine.

'' I don't know'' I lie and stare at the wall, I can't stand telling Louis lies, he doesn't deserve them but I don't want to uncover Harry's insecurities, not like this, not with Louis, even as hurt as I am.

'' Why did you let him take you away?''

'' I wasn't feeling good, Harry saw it and helped me. End of the story, don't let your mind running too wild, Lou. He just took care of me.''

'' Why didn't you call me?''

'' You weren't around, Louis!" I blurt out watching how his face turns from angry to surprised.

'' You were too busy doing a favour to your other friend to care about where I was, okay? Even now, you're too caught up in your big brother role, to ask me if I'm okay now. So why don't you stop accusing me of things you know crap about and just shut up, for God's sake? I'm tired, I had a hell of a night and the last thing I need is you assuming shit about me! Me, your best friend!''

Louis opens his mouth to fire back, I close my eyes and just walk past him, not wanting to keep this conversation any longer. I've never being so mean to Louis, never. And now I'm being a bitch to protect Harry and I's secrets, because I can't imagine what will happen if I ever tell Louis that Harry did that to me and then called me with another girl's name. I'm too out of myself to even care, to be fair about it.

I take a deep breath and clear my head so that I can start work and hopefully, forget about this for a while. Harry is probably still in the house outside the maze, I'll better start from his room so I won't meet him. I make my way upstairs and grab all the things I need to clean the place. I put them down once I'm at front of his door and rest my hand over the handle, right in time to hear a voice coming from inside. Weird, no one should be here.

'' Yeah, I wonder that too man.'' Harry. I could recognize his slow tone among the loudest crowds because it's the only sound that gives me goosebumps.

'' She's an uptight bitch... No, how could you think that? C'mon, she's not my type.'' I freeze in my step and don't move. My heart is racing so fast with the need to know who Harry is talking about. Perhaps he's referring to Karen? I don't know.

'' I don't either, to be honest. She's too caught up living her fairy-tale to notice life is not like that. No I don't, truly. Jade is crazy, she can't stand having a civil conversation with anyone. She's everything but sweet, man. You haven't spent more than ten minutes with her, she just seems a normal girl. I swear she's not. She's so weird, I couldn't imagine myself with her, ever. She's kind hearted, nothing more. Nothing special about that, nuns are kind too. I truly can't stand her.'' He laughs at the end and I fist the handle with all the rage I can manage before noticing that I have pushed too much and the door swings open. I trip on my feet and fall forward ,making Harry shutting up instantly.

I don't dare looking up at him, the betrayal is too strong to let my eyes meet his; so I recollect myself and stand. Harry is surprised, I can sense the tension and the weight of his words but honestly, I don't bloody care.

I've had enough of this back and forth game between us. Time to put the word end to this.

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