》Chapter Fifty-Six

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Edited by: _rose

" Before you freak out, I can explain." 

" Explain?"

" Yes." I scoff and grab the pillow on the couch, throwing it at his face, missing him just by one inch. Harry swiftly fixes his pants that I previously pulled down and moves around the room, careful not to erase the distance between us.

" How can you explain the fact that you are engaged, for God's sake!" I reach again for the pillow and give it another try. This time Harry catches it, leaving me without weapons.

" I forgot to tell you." The calmness in his voice throws me so off you can't even imagine. This is an important thing, he should be at least worried, not so still and controlled. If he doesn't explain himself quickly I might as well run for the hills and this time, I won't come back.

" You forgot?" My voice doesn't show sign of decrease as I circle Harry like a vulture ready to have a bite of his flesh.

" How can you even forget to be engaged to another girl? C'mon Harry, you can do better than this. At least if you have to lie, be more convincing."

Harry's eyes flash at me, not pleased that I accused him to be a liar, but this is exactly what he's right now.

" I forgot to tell you about the engagement because it doesn't exist. I forgot to tell you about the ball because we had a lot going on and it just slipped my mind since it is not very important to me." I scoff and shake my head vigorously, pacing towards Harry like a bull.

" Oh so your mother just made it up because everybody hates you and they're all plotting against you." 

" Let me explain Jade.." I roll my eyes and cross my arms to my chest, I won't let him fool me again.

I grab my coat and walk inside Harry's room to get my stuff. The place is so quite that when I bend down to find my shoes, the click of the door is as clear as a gunshot in an empty room.

I rush but don't make it in time, he locks me in and leaves me banging against the wood for what feels like an eternity before he starts speaking .

" You did not do that!" I yell, raging against the poor frame.

" I had to. You bloody freaked the hell out of me and when you're this mad it's impossible to have a pacific talk without you lunging for my neck." I kick the door and use my fists to bang on it in attempt to throw it down.

"See? Now please stop before you get hurt and listen to me." He pleads but it only makes me more upset hearing him giving me orders.

" Why did you do such a thing to me?" I cry out falling to my knees.

" I did nothing to you, will you shut up and just fucking pay attention to what I say?"

" Why would I?" I fight back but Harry is quick with his tongue, he always has been and that's why we're so perfect together, because he always finds my weak spot and twists it against me.

" Because I did listen to you about Louis. I believed you and now I expect nothing less." I instantly  shut up and lean against the door, waiting for Harry to speak. He takes a long breath to relax himself, I hear a thud coming from outside. Harry must have taken a seat.

" I promised my mother I would have taken Penelope to that stupid ball, when I was deadly mad at you. I had no choice Jade, she discovered that I have enrolled in the music department instead of the law one and she threatened me. She made me swear that if I would have done this for her, she would have been silent about college with my father, since he's the one paying for it. Jade, my family is not a very supportive and conventional one. Sometimes I have to compromise to get what I want. My mother, she is nothing like yours. You have an amazing role model who would die for you, I was an accident and my mother hates me for it. They got married because of me. I know it's fucked up, but I'll do anything to keep playing the piano and that is the lamest thing she could come up with, so I accepted. You don't know them, they can plot the most twisted plans to get what they want."

I knew Harry and his family had some...difficulties? But I didn't understand how deep the gape was till now. Hearing him talking out loud about the horrible childhood he had, makes me so thankful for mine.

My heart totally melts at the idea of a little Harry hidden in a corner of a huge chamber while nobody even cares to go looking out for him. It must have been hell and I feel so sorry because I doubted him while he didn't when I told him about Louis. Perhaps it's because he has history I don't know, but we need to trust each other or this won't work. Still, there's this sick animal inside of my stomach that is destroying every good intention in my head and I end up blurting out:

" I don't want you to go." Instead of, I understand, we'll get through this.

" I know. I don't want either. But, I have to, I promised my mother." I roll my eyes and act all childish, while I scoff and kick my feet.

" People get married at those shitty parties, Harry. I can't stand the idea of you walking down a marmoreal staircase with another girl at your arm. I don't it i can do it."

" I won't get married Jade. I'm too young for that shit, plus nobody there could convince me to propose. There's nothing for me there and you know it." I hate it when he does this, saying what I want to hear to capture me and bend me to his will.

" How would you feel if somebody called me and went like: Hey Jade, dear. Don't forget your debut party, your future husband will be escorting you down the staircase, don't miss it. Wouldn't you feel betrayed?"

" I know Jade, believe me i do. All I ask is for you to try and understand that I'll do anything to follow my dream this time and I'm sure you would do the same if you were in my place."

I ignore him and hit him where I know it will hurt.

" How would you feel if you were in my shoes?" My voice is pretensions and angry, however I can't help it.

" Out of my mind. Mad. Hurt and probably pissed off."

" That's what I thought." I just walk to his bed and hide under the covers to let my mind going wild for a moment and finding a bit of peace.


When I eventually wake up I find Harry laid next to me, curled up on the farthest spot of the bed. For a brief moment I just stare at him and smile for how beautiful he is.

Nevertheless, the paradise doesn't last and I kick Harry off making him roll on the floor with a loud and satisfactory thud.

" Asshole." I grab my things and run away. Luckily this little interlude gives me the time to make it down the lobby without being stopped.

By the time I get to my house, I only have the time to wave to my mother before grabbing my stuff and heading to work at Harry's house. Dear God this day has just started and I'm sick of it already.

Missus Alice gives me the warmest smile when I enter the gates and something inside of me twists. She's up to something, she never smiles.

And to prove my point, she tells me today is gonna be a long day because Mrs Styles decided to host the Debutant ball. Useless to say my stomach twists and I literally think about fleeing. This is too much even for me, it looks like living in a cliché book where all the bad things happen because the author finds it funny to put me through all this shit.

Apparently Harry forgot to tell me another important detail. I'm so curious to know how he's gonna explain this one to me. How he'll justify the fact that he'll make me watch as he goes down the stairs with the perfect daughter of a rich man and I'll be on the other side watching him living in a world I'll never be able to reach.

I only manage to say " Fuck" before Missus Alice drags me to the servants quarters to wear the waitress uniform. 

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