》Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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Edited by: _rose

''Good evening ma'am, how are you feeling?'' Harry timidly smiles down at her, passing a hand through his wild hair while my mother welcomes him in.

''Good evening to you too, Harry. What brings you here this late, are you okay?'' She worriedly asks tugging some strands of hair behind her ears.

''I'm wonderfully. Thanks for asking, I only came to see my boy.'' He kneels down and pets Roy's head to prove his point. My mum looks puzzled, probably thinking that he could have come any time to visit Roy, yet he chose to show up this late.

''Is he behaving nicely?'' My mum sweetly glares at the pair and I can tell she's already starting to feel a kind of affection towards Harry that both scares me and makes me happy. A boy like Harry needs all the love he can get. Sometimes I have the impression he feels terribly lonely and I believe kindness could help me out of his shell. Nevertheless, I don't want to be part of his world any longer. The only thought scares me to death.

''He's the greatest company I could possibly ask for. He's such a good boy, patient, attentive. Seriously, you did a good job with this fellow.''

''He learned everything by himself.." Harry says proudly, before letting his gaze wondering around the house. '' Uh.. Where is Jade..?'' He casually aks not looking up at my mother and she involuntary smirks. Harry licks his lips and awaits for the answer, his body showing how nervous he really is while his face stays blank.

''Oh, Jade!'' My mother exclaims with a long breath and crosses her arms around her body biting her lower lip. '' That girl... She went straight to her room when she got home and she rarely does it, unless she wants to be left alone.''

''Is she okay?'' Harry inquires getting up on his feet and my mum shrugs her shoulders uncrossing her arms soon after.

''I don't really know Harry. She hasn't stick her nose out since then. Frankly I don't think she is, but I could be wrong. Perhaps she just had a bad day.'' 

'' I was wondering if... I could see her. Even for just a moment...'' My mum's sad smile drops and she looks up at the stairs searching only for a few moments before locking her gaze with mine. I startle and shake my head, taking a step back to let her know I don't want to see him. 

''I don't think it's the case. I'm sorry boy, maybe you can drop by tomorrow?'' My mum gently dismisses Harry's suicide mission not wanting to sound either rude or in rush to get rid of him. She is not, she is just trying to protect me and I'm so grateful.

'' Oh, that's fine. Didn't mean to sound intrusive, ma'am. I just wanted to help...'' My mum places a hand over his shoulder and escorts him to the door again.

'' Oh I know Harry and I'm so thankful for that. I think today is not a good day for Jade, that's all. She will recover, she always does. Now go home and drive safely, would you text me when you get home?'' She maternally hugs Harry and he stays there in between her arms with his limbs half way in the air, totally taken aback.

My mother then catches a piece of paper, scrabbling what I think it's her number before handing it to Harry.

'' Don't make me worry.'' She winks and Harry waves goodbye giving Roy one last pat.

I lock my gaze with my mother's, who looks so worried about me. I lower my eyes and head in my room not saying anything. I close the door and just lay on my bed, trying to get some sleep.


I wake up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare, my heart is beating so fast, I can hear it clearly in the silent room. I glance at my left noticing it's 3.53 am. 

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