》Chapter Fourty-Seven

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Edited by: _rose

His stare is searching aimlessly through the room; his fingers are the only thing that seems to be alive as he repeats the sentences over and over again. And when I think that I can't sink any deeper in my desperation, Harry's voice stops and his eyes stay closed as he whispers almost to himself in a heart-breaking way:

<< But you.

You never do.

Woke up the girl who looked just like you,

I almost said your name.>>

He looks so painfully harmless behind that huge piano. Yet so desperately beautiful.

Piper steps on stage as the lights come back on, congratulating with Harry. Everybody stands to applaud him but he doesn't get touched by it. He stays sited with his head down the whole time.

" I knew he couldn't be a boring lawyer!'' Finnon exclaims and claps even more hard for his friend, whistling. Harry seems waking up and as his mind searches for the source of the noise, we meet again. Twice in the same day and I curse myself for whatever is it that is breaking his heart so much.

" I'm sorry Harry" I'd like to say. I'm sorry but I swear whatever you think I did, it wasn't intentional. I love you Harry. With my whole heart and soul, I always will no matter how harsh you are with me. I'm yours, now and always.

Harry takes his place behind the instrument for the next song and I excuse myself, pretending to have a call I need to take and head outside.

Am I crazy? I'm crying again over the boy who got trapped with the girl who broke his heart. For the boy who betrayed me and abandoned me. I can't be serious about this. Harry doesn't deserve any of my tears. I clean my face as fast as I can and take deep breaths.

'' Jade?'' I turn around immediately and get so disappointed as blond hair and blue orbs replace the curls and green eyes I was unintentionally waiting to see, whilst Jamie makes his way towards me.

'' Are you alright?'' I make sure he can't spot any tears and nod. He takes my hand and invites me to have a little night stroll to clear my mind a bit. Not seeing anything in it, I accept.

Before I can understand what is happening though, I find myself in a rather isolated street and the hairs behind my head start raising, warning me that this is not okay. Something is off and I don't feel comfortable being alone with a complete stranger, mostly because I don't like the way he's gazing at me.

" I noticed you gotten sad, little bookworm." 

'' Just a little moment of weakness.'' I admit referring to the fact that I let him dragging me here without noticing. I've been reckless and after everything I've been trhough, I feel very dumb.

'' Perhaps I can help you getting over that little moment of weakness." His palm lands on my hip and I quickly manage to push him off before it's too late.

'' I'm fine thanks.'' I point out and walk to the end of the street but he grabs me again and pins me to the brick wall.

" Get your hands off me, you prick!" I say with a tone that shows all my nervousness. Memories of that time in the gardens begin to assault me.

No, I need to stay focus. I scream inside my head and collect the few ideas I have about self-defence and man anatomy.

'' Don't play hard to get." He pleads me not believing my threats and once more, my head hits the wall starting to spin a bit faster. I'm not sure if he meant that to happen still, I'm quite certain he's not the type of guy who has trouble abusing a fainted girl. From the way he's acting, it wouldn't even be the first time.

INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن