》Chapter Six.

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Edited by: _rose

He's standing in front of the door, eyes fixed down on my own as I search for a way out but I feel too defeated to even speak. I know he has already decided what to do, he's just enjoying seeing me in this state. We share a glance and i hear a curse leaving his lips before another loud knock breaks the quietness of our game.

'' Mr. Harry? What's going on in there? Is Jade giving you a hard time?'' I roll my eyes, almost storming to the door to tell Missus Alice off but his laugh stops me. It's not a mocking kind of laughter, it's a heartily short, almost...sweet one and I smirk before he lifts his head and makes me want to eat my smile down.

Harry, as I believe I've heard Missus Alice called him, turns serious in a matter of seconds and basically rips the sheets from my hands as he directs his attention towards his speaker on the other side of the door.

'' I'm fine Miss Alice, please come in.'' I don't know if I'm more surprised he's actually smiling or that he said please in a very polite and warm tone, so far away from the harshness he seems to revert only to me. Perhaps he acts like this just with me because I annoy him, he doesn't seem that bad when he's all smiles and good manners.

The old lady obeys the command and the first thing she does is to shook a really angry look at me but I just ignore her piercing grey eyes and rush to act busy, even if I've almost finished this room.

'' Mr. Harry'' she greets him and I catch him passing the sheets to Miss Alice. I stop breathing and hide my face from her, I know it's going to be a huge mess when she sees what I've done.

'' Dear lord.'' She irrupts and I can picture her perfectly aiming directly at me.

'' What happened to those poor sheets?''

I press my lips into a straight line and wait, wait for the boy who I have previously offended and called off to ruin my future after only a week here.

'' Jade!'' Missus Alice screams and I understand I've zoned off because I'm too scared to face what my punishment will be. I gulp down the lump in my throat, let go of the duvet I'm fisting in my hands and force myself to get up.

'' Please, do tell me. Is Mr. Harry right about you?'' She inquires and I lift my chin up, ready to fight if the situation requires it.

'' What about?'' I try to stall and I almost feel him frozen up in his position before shifting from one foot to the other restlessly, like my voice has just pinched him in his sensible spot and he was about to jump off of his skin.

'' Oh, Dear God, help me!'' She exhales and makes the sign of cross over her body while she returns to me. '' You have nothing to say about this?'' She holds the now torn sheets up for me to see the disaster i already know i have done.

'' Missus Alice'' Harry takes a step forward and his features moves from being sternly and upset to calm and sweet while he rests a hand over her shoulders. Missus Alice totally melts under the boy's touch and for the first time, she finally gives a hint of a smile, more like a ghost of a smile. Since now, I thought she didn't even have teeth for how severe and controlled she looks all the time.

I am impressed meanwhile I witness Harry using his charm over the old lady;

'' As I have already stated previously, I walked in my room to get my phone and the lady here,'' I almost cackle at that. I've moved from homeless and desperate peasant to a lady, that's massive. Note the sarcasm. ''was just trying to fulfil her task when I stepped on the cloth and fall, ripping them. I was being a complete jerk, stepping over everything just to annoy her but I miscalculate. You know how being tall has always caused me problems with my balance. Miss Jade offered to sew them for me, I was just about to go get her what she needs to repair my disaster.'' He notices my jaw hanging open and my wide eyes by the time he finishes the narration so he adds '' She's been really kind to do so, hasn't she?'' Stressing the last part with a fake giggle in the end so that I can wake up and play along.

'' Oh!'' That's all Missus Alice says resting her hand on her cheek in discomfort for the mistake. '' I'll make sure to fetch her what she needs.''

Harry nods and let's go of the lady almost immediately trying not giving any hint of his regained coldness.

'' Miss Jade'' she booms and I start, straightening up. '' Please do collect everything and follow me.'' I nod quickly and bend to catch the basket where she placed the sheets.

When she starts walking though, she abruptly stops and I jump backwards, tripping on my feet. Luckily I manage to stay still and not give her any new evidence of how false the story Harry told her really is.

'' If what Mr. Harry said it's true, then I apologize for getting upset, but you have the ability to turn a perfect clean chamber into a complete disaster, so you'll get why I was pretty sure it was your fault.'' She is not wrong, I've been here for a whole week and I've almost broken a table, falling backwards into the living room and I totally ruined those expensive sheets, which brings me back to my silent alley, that is bent over his beloved pictures pretending he didn't just save me.

I feel my stomach twist as I take into his absorbed features. He seems miles away from where we are, his wide green orbs don't leave the frame like he's reliving something that gives him pain and makes him sad. Perhaps it's the only way he has to truly feel something different from his usual emptiness. It's no wonder he's so mean to everyone and the fact that he just helped me out without me even asking him to, proves me I was wrong. There's something good in him too. It's just hidden deep down under heavy boxes of bad memories that have hurt him pretty bad.

Somehow I wish I could help him but his walls are too high and even thinking about breaking them makes me feel like a complete idiot. Although no one said I couldn't try and give him at least a little repayment, just to show him that being kind calls not only betray and hurt, but also kindness in return.

I slowly put the basket down and stroll hesitantly to his side. He doesn't see me coming so I stretch my arm out, I don't even know what I'm doing until my palm touches his chin and part of his cheek, making him turn in my direction bewildered. I lift on my toes and press a slow peck over his cheekbone. His smells hit me like a truck when I decide to let myself breathe; his skin is so soft and pure, there's no imperfection and my hands travel smoothly over the surface before I retract my lips not wanting to piss him off any further. He's already completely frozen up by the time I come back to my basket, avoiding to look at him because I feel so ashamed of what I've done.

'' Jade!'' Missus Alice desperately yells from the far end of the corridor and I rush to get away, not ready to see the disgust and perhaps the regret in his eyes.

It was completely unreasonable and stupid of me, even though in my defence, I can say I felt like he needed it or maybe I'm just deceiving myself.

I wanted to return his gesture and I ended up embarrassing myself. That's typical of me, I can't owe anything to anyone, I have to pay back for everything no matter what. He's right, he's my superior and I shouldn't be treating him like I would do with Louis. I hope he doesn't think I'm out of my mind or worse, he decides to take back what he said and makes his father kicking me out of this place; I wouldn't blame him after what I did. It was inappropriate.

'' Thank you Mr. Harry..'' I struggle with the words and I hope it's enough. I pray he forgets the all thing and comes back to hate me\ ignoring me. I quickly bow, looking so awkwardly hopeless as I walk out of the room, careful not to raise my head to face him.



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