》Chapter Twenty-Four.

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Edited by: _Rose

I tug my skirt aside and snort so loud, I'm sure he hasn't missed it and then turn on my heels. I take a long breath to push the disgust back down and stroll away. I don't run, I simply take one step after the other with a calmness that scares me.

'' Jade!'' I don't halt, I keep going heading for the staircase. As I'm about to put a foot on the stair though, two strong hands drag me back and I gasp for the surprise. I fight and struggle until I can shake his hands off my body, pushing him two steps back.

'' Back off!'' Harry pales at the tone of my voice perhaps too high, however I don't even care anymore. I just want to get away as soon as possible from him and his mood swings.

'' I will, don't worry, Jade. I just need you to tell me what the fuck where you doing behind my door. Were you spying on me?''

'' Spying on you? How egocentric can you be to believe such thing Mr. Harry? I have no interest in your private life and if I have to say it all, I have no bloody interest in anything that involves you. We're two different beings and I have all the intention to keep it this way for the rest of my life. So if you want to excuse me.'' Harry tightens the grip over my forearms making me slightly flinch and closes the distances between us.

'' Why were you eavesdropping hidden like a filthy thief? You wanted to know something personal to use against me, didn't you? Oh, that's what you wanted all along, to know a secret you could share with my father and ruin me, isn't the truth Jade?"

'' I am not like this!'' I scream, my face probably red with fury. Harry's stony expression breaks a tiny bit at the sound of my voice and he stops speaking for a moment, too stunned to add anything so I take the chance and keep defending myself even though I am not forced to.

''The only thing I've tried to do since the first damned day I've laid my eyes on you, was to help you. I have never had bad intention towards you, nor I have ever aimed to make you pay for the insults and the mocking tone you always seem to reserve to me. That's how your brain works Harry, not mine. I don't call up my friends to tell them how mean Jade has been to me pretending you hate me, when you were the first who bloody kissed me! I'm not as devious as you are.''

'' I wasn't the one who was running away like a fucking slut!'' Harry recovers as if he has any right to be angry at me for this. I can tell he didn't like me sneaking out of the house like that. I'm totally fine with it, wanna know why?

'' Very well. At least I wasn't the one calling you with another's man name! So guess what prince charming, we're even!'' My throat hurts by the time I finish. Harry whitens and realization hits him harder than a truck.

'' I've been called so many things my whole life Harry. Still no one, and I say no one, has ever called me an uptight bitch or a slut, you are the first one. Nice to see that strangers respect me more than the guy who I trusted so much to let him have me and then break me like a common piece of old porcelain you don't like anymore. This should teach me an important lesson. Never trust rich spoiled babies, they will play with you and toss you aside the second they find someone better. I've learned my lesson, now I'm teaching you a new one about not hurting the feelings of someone like me, because once people like me say they are done, they truly are. For good.'' I nod to give more strength to my statement and start walking backwards, enjoying seeing pain flashing on his face as he plays back all the things he has said to me plus the ones I've just said to him.

''Jade.'' His pleading way of speaking doesn't make me stop. I need to have him out of my system and I will do just that. He's intoxicating, I can't let him do this. He makes me totally insane.

'' You can't stay without me; we both know this. You care about me, you wouldn't last a day. I'll wait until you come crawling back to me.'' I let out a loud giggle and shake my head in disbelief.

INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz