Chapter Fifty

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The day passed easier than expected. I'd thought that I'd hate every second and just want to go back to Jay, but actually having people to talk to and knowing that he was having fun kept me going. Soon enough, the afternoon rolled around and Jay was waiting for me in the car. I was only slightly surprised to see that Ollie was with him too. 

"Hey," I said, smiling as I approached them. "How was your morning?"

"It was good," Jay said, grinning. 

I smiled wider at the sight of that beautiful genuine grin of his and got in the car. Ollie was in the back and looked happy to be there. 

"Hey, Ollie."

"Hi, Kaidan. How's your day been? I hear you're joining Jay for a gig tonight," he replied. 

I couldn't help my slight blush. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Nervous?" he asked.

"Ridiculously so," I admitted. 

"Why? It'll be fine, kitten, I promise. And if you get cold feet you don't have to come, you know that, right?" Jay said, almost worried. 

I put my hand on his thigh and squeezed reassuringly, smiling a little. 

"I know," I nodded. "Don't worry, I know. I'm just... Kind of excited to be honest."

"Well, we'll be able to get some more practice in this afternoon and then we can decide what you're going to wear. And maybe we can fit a little camera work in later. It's going to be a busy day."

I laughed slightly and rolled my eyes, smiling as I turned to look out the window. 

If Ollie noticed that I left my hand on Jay's leg, he didn't say anything.


"Come on, kitten, legs up," Jay whined as he had me practising on the pole in the basement. 

Ollie was watching too, and I didn't want him to judge me or anything. I sort of wanted to be friends with him; he was funny, kind, and a generally awesome person. Now though, he sighed and practically kicked Jay in the head. 

"Shut up and leave him alone, he's doing fine," he murmured absentmindedly, not looking up once from his book. 

Jay was pouting now and rubbed his head. I bit my lip and came over. I laced my fingers through his and kissed softly at where he'd been rubbing.

"Better?" I asked softly.

He blushed and nodded, pushing me back towards the centre of the room. Ollie was watching me now, a thoughtful expression on his face. 

"I have an idea," he said as he went back to reading. "Record him, then you can show him where he's slipping up. It's not exactly like he can see himself, darling."

Jay nodded slowly. "What do you think?" he asked me. 

"I... Sure, okay. Camera practice too, right?"

I tried out a smile. He smiled back and nodded again, getting up. He went over to a wardrobe in the corner of the room and opened it, reaching up to grab a video camera from the shelf near the top. I didn't get a good look inside but it looked like a lot of different costumes and props and stuff. 

"Right," he said as he sat down on the sofa again. Ollie lifted his legs and then put them in Jay's lap; he just rolled his eyes. "Ready, baby?"

I blushed and nodded. The little melody chirped and he nodded as he started recording, Ollie pressing play on the stereo to play the music I'd been working to. I bit my lip and started the sequence we'd been working on for a while. It mainly consisted of the lifts and spins that he'd taught me the night before, trying to look sexy and, as Ollie put it, 'a hint of seduction'. 

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